GTCC Key Performance Indicators

2018 Fall Report

October 30, 2018. Data Source: Colleague

List of Key Performance Indicators

KPI 1: Completion, performance, and transfer

1-A: Fall-enrolled students who persist, earn a credential, or transfer in two years
1-B: Fall-enrolled students who persist for one term, one year, two years
1-C: Fall-enrolled first-time-in-college students who graduate, transfer, or are still enrolled with 36 hours after six years
1-D: Annual graduates and number of certificates, diplomas, and/or degrees awarded

KPI 2: Credit hour completion rates

2-A: Percentage of credit hours successfully completed at end of first fall term
2-B: Percentage of credit hours successfully completed at end of first two years

KPI 3: Credit accumulation and progress

3-A: Percentage of students achieving credit hour thresholds by the end of the first year
3-B: Percentage of students achieving credit hour thresholds by the end of the second year

KPI 4: Non-credit instruction

4-A: Non-credit contact hours

KPI 5: Licensure and certification

5-A: Percentage of students passing licensure and certification exams on first attempt

State Performance Measures

SPM-A: Basic skills student progress
SPM-C (new): Student success rate in first college-level English course
SPM-C (new): Student success rate in first college-level math course
SPM-H: College transfer performance

KPI Summary

1-A: Fall enrolled students who persist, earn a credential, or transfer in two years
Fall 2015 Enrolled N Complete Persist Transfer (w/in
Successful Unsuccessful
N % N % N % N % N %
All 1 10,735 3,133 29.2 2,807 26.1 1,030 9.6 6,970 64.9 3,765 35.1
New 2 3,423 389 11.4 1,166 34.1 403 11.8 1,958 57.2 1,465 42.8
FTIC 3 1,815 141 7.8 723 39.8 155 8.5 1,019 56.1 796 43.9
non-FTIC 1,608 248 15.4 443 27.5 248 15.4 939 58.4 669 41.6
Cred-seek 4 2,323 389 16.7 1,091 47.0 264 11.4 1,744 75.1 579 24.9


Fall 2015 Enrolled N Complete Persist Transfer (w/in 2yrs) Successful Unsuccessful
        N         % N % N % N %         N         %
All 1 11,113 3,150 28.3 1,660 14.9 1,680 15.1 6,490 58.4 4,623 41.6
New 2 3,505 364 10.4 652 18.6 808 23.1 1,824 52.0 1,681 48.0
FTIC 3 2,023 141 7.0 439 21.7 390 19.3 970 47.9 1,053 52.1
non-FTIC 1,593 226 14.2 222 13.9 498 31.3 946 59.4 647 40.6
Cred-seek 4 2,385 364 15.3 633 26.5 579 24.3 1,576 66.1 809 33.9


Fall 2016 Enrolled N Complete Persist Transfer (w/in
Successful Unsuccessful
N % N % N % N % N %
All 1 10,662 3,202 30.0 1,555 14.6 1,555 14.6 6,312 59.2 4,350 40.8
New 2 3,671 414 11.3 641 17.5 792 21.6 1,847 50.3 1,824 49.7
FTIC 3 2,037 145 7.1 406 19.9 361 17.7 912 44.8 1,125 55.2
non-FTIC 1,634 269 16.5 235 14.4 431 26.4 935 57.2 699 42.8
Cred-seek 4 2,433 413 17.0 628 25.8 525 21.6 1,566 64.4 867 35.6


1-B Fall enrolled students who persist for one term, one year, two years
Fall 2014 Enrolled N 1 term (next spring) 1 year (next fall) 2 years (2nd fall)
                  N                   %        N         %        N         %
All 1 12,146 8,675 71.4 4,943 40.7 2,237 18.4
New 2 3,603 2,625 72.9 1,476 41.0 745 20.7
FTIC 3 2,066 1,555 75.3 877 42.4 478 23.1
non-FTIC 1,537 1,070 69.6 599 39.0 267 17.4
Cred-seek 4 2,406 2,045 85.0 1,394 57.9 730 30.3


Fall 2015 Enrolled N 1 term (next spring) 1 year (next fall) 2 years (2nd fall)
N % N % N %
All 1 11,113 8,084 72.7 4,582 41.2 2,054 18.5
New 2 3,505 2,578 73.6 1,455 41.5 725 20.7
FTIC 3 2,023 1,541 76.2 892 44.1 481 23.8
non-FTIC 1,593 1,125 70.6 608 38.2 254 15.9
Cred-seek 4 2,385 2,044 85.7 1,379 57.8 706 29.6


Fall 2016 Enrolled N 1 term (next spring) 1 year (next fall) 2 years (2nd fall)
                  N                   %        N         %        N         %
All 1 10,662 7,678 72.0 4,355 40.8 1,902 17.8
New 2 3,671 2,612 71.2 1,465 39.9 713 19.4
FTIC 3 2,037 1,461 71.7 844 41.4 441 21.6
non-FTIC 1,634 1,151 70.4 621 38.0 272 16.6
Cred-seek 4 2,433 2,093 86.0 1,399 57.5 700 28.8


1-C Fall enrolled first-time-in-college students who graduate, transfer, or are still enrolled with 36 hours after six years
Fall 2006 44.0% 47.0%
Fall 2007 46.0% 48.0%
Fall 2008 45.0% 47.0%
Fall 2009 40.3% 43.7%
Fall 2010 39.0% 44.0%
Fall 2011 41.2% 43.9%


1-D Annual graduates and number of certificates, diplomas, and/or degrees awarded
  2011-12 2012-13 2013-
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Assoc Deg 1,122 1,197 1,194 1,342 1,334 1,447 1,453
Diplomas 46 52 130 75 58 242 206
Certificates 405 899 2,152 1,035 1,162 796 647
Completers (graduates) 1,339 1,735 2,475 2,012 2,052 2,099 1,978

*-Data is from IPEDS submission based on timeframe defined by IPEDS

2-A Percentage of credit hours successfully completed at end of first fall term
Fall 2015 Credit Hrs Credit Hrs Completed
Attempted N %
New 1 35,861 21,333 59.5
FTIC 2 20,885 12,166 58.3
non-FTIC 15,803 9,842 62.3
Cred-seek 3 26,506 19,331 72.9


Fall 2016 Credit Hrs Credit Hrs Completed
Attempted N                %
New 1 37,564 22,376 59.6
FTIC 2 21,125 12,236 57.9
non-FTIC 16,439 10,140 61.7
Cred-seek 3 26,778 19,822 74.0


Fall 2017 Credit Hrs Credit Hrs Completed
Attempted  N                %
New 1 32,131 20,159 62.7
FTIC 2 17,474 10,969 62.8
non-FTIC 14,657 9,190 62.7
Cred-seek 3 22,826 17,366 76.1


2-B Percentage of credit hours successfully completed at end of first two years
Fall 2014 Credit Hrs Credit Hrs Completed
Attempted N %
New 1 101,643 64,850 63.8
FTIC 2 60,298 37,650 62.4
non-FTIC 41,345 27,200 65.8
Cred-seek 3 84,903 61,888 72.9


Fall 2015 Credit Hrs Credit Hrs Completed
Attempted  N              %
New 1 99,745 64,835 65.0
FTIC 2 59,403 38,171 64.3
non-FTIC 42,680 28,513 66.8
Cred-seek 3 84,463 62,001 73.4


Fall 2016 Credit Hrs Credit Hrs Completed
Attempted N              %
New 1 104,536 67,527 64.6
FTIC 2 59,336 37,362 63.0
non-FTIC 45,200 30,165 66.7
Cred-seek 3 88,201 64,106 72.7


3-A: Percentage of students achieving credit hour thresholds by the end of the first year
Fall 2014 Enrolled N One year (by SU15)
Percent achieving threshold (21hrs) - FULL-time students Percent achieving threshold (12hrs) - PART-time students TOTAL percent achieving threshold
New 1 3,603 38.8 32.2 35.7
FTIC 2 2,066 40.0 29.2 35.0
Cred-seek 3 2,406 52.2 55.2 53.4


Fall 2015 Enrolled N One year (by SU16)
Percent achieving threshold (21hrs) - FULL-time students   Percent achieving threshold (12hrs) - PART-time students       TOTAL percent achieving threshold
New 1 3,505 41.5 32.9 37.5
FTIC 2 1,912 41.6 29.9 36.5
Cred-seek 3 2,385 53.2 53.1 53.2


Fall 2016 Enrolled N One year (by SU17)
Percent achieving threshold (21hrs) - FULL-time
Percent achieving threshold (12hrs) - PART-time
TOTAL percent achieving threshold
New 1 3,671 39.9 33.5 37.1
FTIC 2 2,037 40.3 28.5 35.2
Cred-seek 3 2,433 53.8 59.2 55.9


3-B: Percentage of students achieving credit hour thresholds by the end of the second year
Fall 2014 Enrolled N Two years (by SU16)
Percent achieving threshold (42hrs) - FULL-time
Percent achieving threshold (24rs) -
PART-time students      
TOTAL percent achieving
New 1 3,603 24.3 21.9 23.2
FTIC 2 2,066 25.5 21.2 23.5
Cred-seek 3 2,406 32.7 37.5 34.7


Fall 2015 Enrolled N Two years (by SU17)
Percent achieving threshold (42hrs) - FULL-time
Percent achieving threshold (24rs) -
PART-time students
TOTAL percent achieving
New 1 3,505 25.0 22.4 23.8
FTIC 2 1,912 26.6 23.0 25.1
Cred-seek 3 2,385 32.7 37.9 34.9


Fall 2016  Enrolled N Two years (by SU18)
Percent achieving threshold (42hrs) - FULL-time
Percent achieving threshold (24rs) -
PART-time students
TOTAL percent achieving
New 1 3,671 24.6 24.1 24.4
FTIC 2 2,037 25.7 21.8 24.0
Cred-seek 3 2,433 33.0 42.7 36.8


KPI 4: Non-credit instruction
  Program Year
Program area 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
541,225 566,220 544,963 488,168 479,153  
Self-Support 39,301 48,333 33,544 27,486 16,106  
Total 580,526 614,553 578,507 515,654 495,259  


KPI 5: Licensure and certification
2014 (2012-13 data) 86.5% 85.0%
2015 (2013-14 data) 85.9% 85.0%
2016 (2014-15 data) 86.0% 85.7%
2017 (2015-16 data) 86.80% 84.10%
2018 (2016-17 data) 83.1% 81.6%


Cohort Definitions

Students are counted once: Completion trumps persistence trumps transfer.
The percentage is based upon the count who completed/persisted/transferred divided by the [specific] cohort count.
Transfer had to occur by September (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 respectively). Transfers without start dates indicated are not included.
1 All represents the total number of degree-seeking (based on IPEDS definition) students enrolled in the fall term. Only students indicated as having an "A", "C", or "D" curriculum code AND a high school graduation date prior to the fall term are counted as degree-seeking.

2 New represents the MAIN Voluntary Framework for Accountability (VFA) cohort. These are all students who completed high school (or the equivalent) and were new to the institution, regardless of postsecondary education experience, and enrolled in credit or developmental education classes in the fall. These students are not necessarily classified as degree- or credential-seeking. This cohort includes:

  1. Students who first enrolled in the summer preceding the fall term (provided that they are enrolled in the fall term).
  2. Students who do not have a high school diploma or equivalent but have a demonstrated ability to benefit (as defined by Title IV Federal financial aid eligibility).
  3. Students who earned college credit during high school.
  4. Students who transferred and are attending GTCC for the first time.

3 First-time-in-college (FTIC) are degree- or -credential-seeking students as defined by IPEDS who have no prior post-secondary experience, attending any institution for the first time at the undergraduate level following completion of high school. This is a subset of the MAIN cohort. Only students indicated as having an "A", "C", or "D" curriculum code AND a high school graduation date prior to the fall term are counted as degree-seeking.

4 Credential-seeking  differs markedly from the definition of degree-seeking used to define the FTIC (based on IPEDS) cohort. The credential-seeking cohort is defined as students in the MAIN (new student) VFA cohort who earned 12 semester hours by the end of the second academic year (summer term). These 12 hours are inclusive of: college credits earned while in high school; developmental education coursework; credits awarded by GTCC or another institution (i.e., transfer credit).