Whatever your goals, GTCC offers you the opportunity to achieve them. Through our academic programs, you can get quality education in the field of your choice or a college transfer degree that will help you succeed at a four-year university. Our workforce development programs provide short-term training that can help you get started on a new career or advance in your current career. Your future is in your hands at GTCC!

Learn more about the programs and courses in each area.

Not sure what you're looking for?

In addition to our academic and workforce development programs, GTCC offers a wide variety of other programs that can help you move ahead in life. Be sure to explore our site to see all we have to offer – you may discover a course or program of interest that’s perfect for you!

Learn more about the programs and courses in each area.

Academic Programs

Credit programs that offer an associate’s degree, diploma, or certificate.

Academic Programs

Workforce Development & Corporate Training Programs

Non-credit programs that offer short-term training in specific skills and industries.

Workforce Training Programs

Adult Education

Programs include basic literacy, English for Students of Other Languages (ESOL), and classes for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities to improve literacy and job skills.

Adult Education Programs

Online Learning

Take individual classes or fully online eDegree programs.

Online Learning Programs

High School Programs

Programs that offer students the chance to earn college credit, alternative high school completion, and GED and adult high school programs.

High School Programs

Personal and Professional Enrichment

Programs for lifelong leisure learning and personal enrichment.

Personal Enrichment Programs

Academic Leadership

Our dedicated faculty and staff are what set GTCC apart. Following is a list of the leaders within each academic division and department.


David Frazee
Dean, Health Sciences
Jeremiah Underwood
Dean, Human Services and Public Safety
Thomas Takayama, D.A.
Dean, Business, Creative & Performing Arts
Steve Turner
Dean, Humanities & Social Science
Jeffrey Wyco
Dean, Industrial, Construction & Transport Technology
Anne Simpson
Dean, Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)

Department Chairs
Zachary Jackson
Department Chair,
Communication and Foreign Languages
Harold Cox
Department Chair,
Computer Science
Ralph Argiento
Department Chair,
Computer Technologies
William Sizemore
Department Chair,
Construction Trades
Jay Smith
Department Chair, Creative & Performing Arts
Richard DePolt
Department Chair,
Accounting, Business, Economics & Supply Chain 
Anne Simpson
Department Chair, Engineering, Astronomy, and Physics
Amanda Fields
Department Chair,
Jeff Faircloth
Department Chair,
Kevin Crowder
Department Chair,
History and Political Science
Terri Scalf
Department Chair,
Humanities, Philosophy, and Religion
Timothy Courtot
Interim Department Chair, Manufacturing
Terri Roach
Department Chair,
Kristen Johnson
Interim Department Chair, Sciences
Catina Galloway
Department Chair, Psychology and Sociology