GTCC Women's Basketball Team Headed To National Tournament
Published on: March 15, 2017

JAMESTOWN, N.C. — Guilford Technical Community College’s women’s basketball team has qualified for the 2017 National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) Division II Women’s National Basketball Tournament March 21-25 in Harrison, Ark.
Bobby Allison, GTCC’s women’s basketball coach, said that one of the team’s biggest strengths is their shared ability to play the game.
“We have 13 players, and every one of them can play tough,” said Allison, who recently won his 400th game of his coaching career in women’s basketball. “This isn’t just a one- or two-person team; they’re all strong players.”
This will be the GTCC women’s basketball team’s third time competing on the national level. They previously qualified in 2010 and 2015. Allison said that reaching this stage in the tournament proves that the team’s hard work has paid off.
“They’ve just kept going and worked hard,” he said. “These were kids who believed in something and went for it.”
GTCC’s women’s basketball team will compete against 15 other schools in the NJCAA Division II Women’s Championship in Pioneer Pavilion on the south campus of North Arkansas College.
For more information on the NJCAA Division II Women’s National Championship, visit:
To view the tournament streamed live, visit:
Guilford Technical Community College is the fourth largest of 58 institutions in the NC Community College System. GTCC serves more than 40,000 students annually from five campuses and a Small Business Center. Learn more at
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