GTCC Releases Spring 2022 Honor Roll
Published on: May 16, 2022

JAMESTOWN – Each semester Guilford Technical Community College recognizes students for outstanding academic achievements. Congratulations to our students who made the President's, Dean's and Honors lists for spring 2022.
President's List
The President’s List includes all program students who complete at least 12 credit hours in the fall semester and earned a 4.0 grade point average.
Name | City | State |
Daniel A | Oak Ridge | NC |
Cesar Abreu Martinez | Jamestown | NC |
Salaheldein Abuahmad | Greensboro | NC |
Sydney Adam | Greensboro | NC |
Jason Adams | Greensboro | NC |
Kaitlyn Adkins | Greensboro | NC |
Quinton Ahmad | Franklinville | NC |
Hamza Ahmed | High Point | NC |
Emily Albertson | Thomasville | NC |
Jesus Alcantar Rodriguez | Kernersville | NC |
Dustin Aldridge | Graham | NC |
Grace Aleman | Burlington | NC |
Rawan Ali | Greensboro | NC |
Jamari' Allen | Greensboro | NC |
Lachlan Allen | Greensboro | NC |
Montanna Allen | Thomasville | NC |
Christian Allison | Greensboro | NC |
Hannah Almatarneh | Kernersville | NC |
Ellie Anderson | Summerfield | NC |
Kaci Anderson | Greensboro | NC |
Aeda Andrews | Summerfield | NC |
Anna Arant | Whitsett | NC |
Mohsan Arshad | High Point | NC |
David Atwater | Julian | NC |
Ysomi Ayun | Greensboro | NC |
Amanda Bailes | Gibsonville | NC |
Destiny Baines | Whitsett | NC |
Amanda Baker | Graham | NC |
Hailey Baker | Thomasville | NC |
Dominique Baris | High Point | NC |
Macie Barr | Rural Hall | NC |
Monica Barrera Mota | High Point | NC |
Tristin Bauer | Greensboro | NC |
Lane Bauserman | Greensboro | NC |
Logan Beaman | Greensboro | NC |
Mason Belch | Summerfield | NC |
Isaac Belton | Stoneville | NC |
Elizabeth Beltran | Franklinville | NC |
Bradley Bennett | Greensboro | NC |
Isaac Bensimhon | Greensboro | NC |
Lucy Berdeen | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Atul Bhattarai | High Point | NC |
Aaron Black | Siler City | NC |
Sandra Blackwell | Winston Salem | NC |
Raymond Blue | Winston Salem | NC |
Katherine Boland | Greensboro | NC |
Olivia Bolick | High Point | NC |
Christine Bommana | High Point | NC |
Los Bon Dinh | Greensboro | NC |
Adam Bounab | Greensboro | NC |
Harley Bourgeois | Greensboro | NC |
Jacob Bowman | Indian Trail | NC |
Brittany Boyd | Greensboro | NC |
Joshua Brandt | Greensboro | NC |
Kiera Brennan | High Point | NC |
Brigette Bricketto | High Point | NC |
Y Rosa Brit | Greensboro | NC |
Mckenzie Brooks | Trinity | NC |
Cumeshia Brown | Greensboro | NC |
DeAndra Brown | Winston Salem | NC |
Joshua Brown | High Point | NC |
Tamara Brown | Stokesdale | NC |
Zachary Bruckner | Clemmons | NC |
Christopher Buck | Greensboro | NC |
Mark Bulmer | High Point | NC |
Hlidi Buonya | Greensboro | NC |
Rebecca Burchfield | Julian | NC |
Kal Burgess-Hicks | Mayodan | NC |
Austin Burris | Browns Summit | NC |
Kursat Cakar | High Point | NC |
Christopher Calderon | Greensboro | NC |
Daniela Campbell | High Point | NC |
LaConte Campbell | Winston Salem | NC |
Steven Campbell | Walkertown | NC |
Colton Casey | Kernersville | NC |
Matthew Casey | Lewisville | NC |
Alisa Cassidy | Greensboro | NC |
Joseph Castelda | Greensboro | NC |
James Castleberry | Chapel Hill | NC |
Miranda Cauthen | Pleasant Gdn | NC |
Rose Chafee | Kernserville | NC |
Joseph Chafin | Charlotte | NC |
Sidney Charlton | High Point | NC |
Charles Chatman Jr. | Burlington | NC |
Natasha Chavers | Greensboro | NC |
Thomas Clamp | Greensboro | NC |
Chelsea Clark | Lexington | NC |
Spencer Coble | Greensboro | NC |
Kassandra Collins | Asheboro | NC |
Anna Conklin | Whitsett | NC |
Nicholas Crawford | Jamestown | NC |
Lacy Cromer | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Antonio Crosby | Greensboro | NC |
Lakeasha Crosby | Winston Salem | NC |
Mikayla Crouch | High Point | NC |
Hunter Crump | Winston Salem | NC |
Ruth Cruz | Archdale | NC |
Sandra Curtis | High Point | NC |
Kallie Daniel | Winston Salem | NC |
Rachael Davis | Oak Ridge | NC |
Trevor Davis | Summerfield | NC |
Jack Delille | High Point | NC |
Paul Denny | Mount Airy | NC |
Madelyn Devaney | Colfax | NC |
Helio Diaz | Winston Salem | NC |
Elizabeth Dills | High Point | NC |
Ahamadou Diombera | Browns Summit | NC |
Samantha Diouf | Greensboro | NC |
Ethan Dixon | Randleman | NC |
Macey Dixon | Reidsville | NC |
Jillian Doherty | Reidsville | NC |
Makayla Douglass | Greensboro | NC |
Isabella Dunlap | Stokesdale | NC |
Stuart Dyer | Mebane | NC |
John Eastep | Greensboro | NC |
Megan Echerd | Thomasville | NC |
Karina Edwards | Greensboro | NC |
Garret Eichlin | Oak Ridge | NC |
Keonna Elliott | Greensboro | NC |
Makayla Ellison | Winston Salem | NC |
Yahir Estrada-Guzman | Kernersville | NC |
Sharnyce Everett-Lewis | Whitsett | NC |
Christopher Faulwetter | East Bend | NC |
Amanda Fechner | Franklinville | NC |
Daniel Ferguson | Greensboro | NC |
Santiago Ferguson | Greensboro | NC |
Marc Fioravanti | Clemmons | NC |
Christopher Fleming | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Hayden Fossett | Greensboro | NC |
Ava Foster | Greensboro | NC |
Brian Foster | Greensboro | NC |
Brandon Fox | Burlington | NC |
Kaylee Freed | Mount Airy | NC |
Julian Freelove | Winston Salem | NC |
Bret Friday | Greensboro | NC |
Mary Fuller | High Point | NC |
Natalie Gallegos | Thomasville | NC |
Hiwot Gari | Greensboro | NC |
Chauncee Garrett | Greensboro | NC |
Brittney Gauldin | Stokesdale | NC |
Rozjae Gaymon | Eden | NC |
Joshua Genwright | Greensboro | NC |
Norman German | Greensboro | NC |
Alexis Givens | Charlotte | NC |
Marrissa Goble | Winston Salem | NC |
Patrick Goetsch | High Point | NC |
Nepterial Goines | Greensboro | NC |
Cali Goldbeck | Greensboro | NC |
Chase Golden | Gibsonville | NC |
Steven Goodner Jr | Greensboro | NC |
Madison Gore | Lexington | NC |
Abigal Gottfried | Kernersville | NC |
Margaret Gray | Greensboro | NC |
Camden Gregory | Greensboro | NC |
Mark Grotberg | Yadkinville | NC |
Naina Grover | Greensboro | NC |
Ryan Grubb | Lexington | NC |
Anya Gruer | Winston Salem | NC |
Benisha Gurung | High Point | NC |
Sujan Gurung | High Point | NC |
Hollianne Hackney | Whitsett | NC |
Hannah Haines | Greensboro | NC |
Kellie Hairston | Greensboro | NC |
Mamie Haldeman | Greensboro | NC |
Adam Hall | Gibsonville | NC |
Hannah Hall | Summerfield | NC |
Kristen Hammed | Thomasville | NC |
Calvin Hansmeyer | High Point | NC |
Sachiko Harding | Greensboro | NC |
Dwayne Harris | Greensboro | NC |
Imani Harris | Greensboro | NC |
Larry Harris | Danville | VA |
Lindsay Harris | Whitsett | NC |
Patricia Harris | Graham | NC |
Lakesha Harrison | High Point, Nc | NC |
Ashley Harshaw | Greensboro | NC |
Thomas Hawks | Greensboro | NC |
Thomas Held | Greensboro | NC |
Dylan Henderson | Greensboro | NC |
Camryn Henley | Greensboro | NC |
Carrie Henson | Greensboro | NC |
Yamileth Hernandez | Greensboro | NC |
Brittany Herndon | Raleigh | NC |
Douglass Herndon | Greensboro | NC |
Christian Hill | Madison | NC |
Kelly Hill | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Mallory Hinkle | Kernersville | NC |
Brooke Hoernke | Burlington | NC |
Sydney Hoffman | Winston-Salem | NC |
Mitchell Hogan | Oak Ridge | NC |
Thomas Holcombe | Greensboro | NC |
Valerie Holden | Walkertown | NC |
Roxana Holguin | Winston Salem | NC |
Shaun Holland Moore | Greensboro | NC |
Jalen Hollins | Summerfeild | NC |
Julia Hoopai | Greensboro | NC |
Logan Horner | Browns Summit | NC |
Daniel Hoyng | High Point | NC |
James Htoo | High Point | NC |
MacNasa Hughes | Greensboro | NC |
Stacey Hughes | High Point | NC |
Benjamin Huitt | Greensboro | NC |
William Hutcheon | High Point | NC |
Charles Hutchison | Greensboro | NC |
Ayah Ibrahim | High Point | NC |
Jordan Ince | Greensboro | NC |
Tanena Ingram | Greensboro | NC |
Caria Jackson | Burlington | NC |
Zachary James | Charlotte | NC |
Yvette Jasso Ortega | Greensboro | NC |
Jasmine Johnson | Mcleansville | NC |
Lukas Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Mark Johnson | Winston Salem | NC |
Morgan Johnson | High Point | NC |
Orion Johnson | Reidsville | NC |
Saya Johnson | Lexington | NC |
Kayla Johnston | Kernersville | NC |
Matthew Johnston | Thomasville | NC |
Madisynn Jones | Greensboro | NC |
Dana Jordan | Siler City | NC |
Christian Juarez Solis | Thomasville | NC |
Abdulhakeem Kadir | Greensboro | NC |
Matthew Kanupp | Stokesdale | NC |
Emily Keatts | Jamestown | NC |
Melissa Kelley | Madison | NC |
Elise Kelly | Greensboro | NC |
Kaelyn Kennedy | Greensboro | NC |
Ziad Khattab | Winston Salem | NC |
Heather Kicker | Walnut Cove | NC |
Aubrey Kim | Greensboro | NC |
Dongjoon Kim | Winston Salem | NC |
Hogan Kohl | Greensboro | NC |
Sadie Korzekwa | Liberty | NC |
Stefan Kozar | Greensboro | NC |
Karen Kuehn | High Point | NC |
Myint Kyaw | High Point | NC |
Eric Labaziewicz | Jamestown | NC |
Sharon Ladokun | Mcleansville | NC |
Abigail Laing | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Timothy Lally | Cary | NC |
Clifford Lambeth | Thomasville | NC |
Jeshika Lamsal | Greensboro | NC |
Jennifer Lane | Germanton | NC |
Brianne Lanphar | Archdale | NC |
Jasmine Lasley | Thomasville | NC |
Tonieka Lassiter | Greensboro | NC |
Sawyer Lazenby | Statesville | NC |
Hung Le | Greensboro | NC |
Jamila Leasiolagi | High Point | NC |
Maria Ledesma Garcia | Greensboro | NC |
Jerel Lee | Greensboro | NC |
Martina Lee | Thomasville | NC |
Andrew Lemp | High Point | NC |
Dylan Lewellyn | Greensboro | NC |
Lauren Lewis | High Point | NC |
Kaylyne Lilly | Asheboro | NC |
Rebecca Lima | Randleman | NC |
Genesis Logan | Greensboro | NC |
Austin Long | Matthews | NC |
Sydney Long | Whitsett | NC |
Caitlin Lookabill | Lexington | NC |
Benny Lopez-Alvarez | Brown Summit | NC |
Cooper Lord | Raleigh | NC |
Cheikh Loume | Greensboro | NC |
Michael Love | Winston Salem | NC |
Caleb Lunsford | Jamestown | NC |
Ian MacIntosh | Mcleansville | NC |
Melissa Mahadeo | Greensboro | NC |
Luke Maicon | Wake Forest | NC |
Brooklyn Mallory | Greensboro | NC |
Patrick Maloney | Gibsonville | NC |
Naila Maqsood | High Point | NC |
Matthew Marston | High Point | NC |
Shemeka Martin | Greensboro | NC |
Taylor Martin | Climax | NC |
Roberto Martinez de la Cruz | Madison | NC |
Arnulfo Martinezzavala | Summerfield | NC |
Jessica Marx Strickland | Trinity | NC |
Leah Matheison | High Point | NC |
Callie Mathis | Thomasville | NC |
Devon May | Greensboro | NC |
Kristin McAlister | Graham | NC |
Toni McCall | Trinity | NC |
Corin McClain | Durham | NC |
Caleb McCracken | Monroe | NC |
Abraham McCullough | Greensboro | NC |
Jonathon McDonald | Stoneville | NC |
Zachary McDonald | Greensboro | NC |
Aubrey McKenzie | Greensboro | NC |
William McMahan | Rougemont | NC |
Jarvae McNair | Walkertown | NC |
Ebony McNeil | Asheboro | NC |
Morgan McNeil | Stokesdale | NC |
Daniel McNeill | Greensboro | NC |
Lydia Merrills | High Point | NC |
Patrick Merriman | High Point | NC |
Jenna Merritt | Gibsonville | NC |
Alysse Messick | Greensboro | NC |
Joseph Meyerson | Greensboro | NC |
Jessica Mickel | Germanton | NC |
Ethan Miele | Winston Salem | NC |
Anthony Miller | Greensboro | NC |
Raelle Miller | Greensboro | NC |
Caitlyn Minnix | Kernersville | NC |
Elena Misuraca | Greensboro | NC |
Donese Mitchell | Greensboro | NC |
Angela Montanti | Kernersville | NC |
Brieanna Moore | Winston Salem | NC |
Joshlynn Moore | Greensboro | NC |
Allen Morales | Greensboro | NC |
Emily Morales | Thomasville | NC |
Elvis Morales Santos | Burlington | NC |
John Morgan | Greensboro | NC |
Christina Morse | Gibsonville | NC |
Breana Moss | Trinity | NC |
Emily Nagel | Greensboro | NC |
Ryan Nagel | Greensboro | NC |
Negin Najafabadi | Greensboro | NC |
Grant Naylor | Summerfield | NC |
Menecdem Joel Ndongnang | High Point | NC |
Erin Neal | Jamestown | NC |
Kevin Neff | Winston-Salem | NC |
Benjamin Nelson | Trinity | NC |
Shelby Nelson | Advance | NC |
Jamison Newman | Jamestown | NC |
Tristan Newman | Camdenton | MO |
Chuong Toan My Nguyen | High Point | NC |
Kelly Nguyen | Archdale | NC |
Monica Nguyen | Browns Summit | NC |
Yacine Niang | Greensboro | NC |
Joshua Nichols | Mooresville | NC |
Malia Nichols | Greensboro | NC |
Emma Niebauer | High Point | NC |
D'Vora Nishry-Hall | Eden | NC |
Christopher Norman | Greensboro | NC |
Jeffrey Norvang | High Point | NC |
Dodji Obobi | Greensboro | NC |
Patrice Odom | Greensboro | NC |
Alyssa Oldenburg | Jamestown | NC |
Jordan Oldenburg | Jamestown | NC |
Erica Oliver | High Point | NC |
Ezra Ore | Eden | NC |
Sarah Overton | High Point | NC |
Abigail Owens | Greensboro | NC |
Joel Owusu-Agyemang | McLeansville | NC |
Autumn Padgett | Reidsville | NC |
Keri Pakenham | High Point | NC |
Cassidy Parrish | Summerfield | NC |
Janis Partain | Jamestown | NC |
Ektaben Patel | Winston-Salem | NC |
Kishan Patel | High Point | NC |
Jeffrey Patteson | Summerfield | NC |
Christopher Perkins | Greensboro | NC |
Dana Peterson | Greensboro | NC |
Jarod Petty | Reidsville | NC |
Clint Pinkerton | Trinity | NC |
Mali Pling | Lexington | NC |
Rayna Poudyal | Greensboro | NC |
Timber Powell | Kernersville | NC |
Trevor Pretory | Greensboro | NC |
John Preyer | Summerfield | NC |
Hannah Priddy | Madison | NC |
Bryan Puckett | Stokesdale | NC |
Asael Quiroz-Castellano | Greensboro | NC |
Fozia Rahim | High Point | NC |
Lira Rahman | Greensboro | NC |
Neelam Ramzan | Asheboro | NC |
Leah Raynor | High Point | NC |
Grayson Reid | Thomasville | NC |
Jayla Reid-Rambert | Gibsonville | NC |
Natalie Reiffer | Jamestown | NC |
Jeneen Reitano | Greensboro | NC |
Keith Releford | Oak Ridge | NC |
Jonathan Renteria-Rios | Greensboro | NC |
Dean Rhoades | Greensboro | NC |
Trevor Rhoads | Greensboro | NC |
Angelina Rice | Walkertown | NC |
Joshua Ridgway | Kernersville | NC |
Kelsea Roberts | Greensboro | NC |
Olivia Robertson | Greensboro | NC |
Dayson Robinson | Colfax | NC |
Kennedy Rochon | Greensboro | NC |
Elijah Rodriguez | Sanford | NC |
Misty Rodriguez | Randleman | NC |
Justin Rollins | Reidsville | NC |
Ember Rosier | Jamestown | NC |
Constance Ross | Greensboro | NC |
Reid Rouse | Greensboro | NC |
Lindsey Routh | Pleasant Gard | NC |
Latoya Russell | High Point | NC |
Tayler Rutledge | Thomasville | NC |
Niraj Sah | Greensboro | NC |
Abdoul Akim Salou Doudou | Burlington | NC |
Bryant Sanchez | High Point | NC |
Cailin Sandiford | High Point | NC |
Devin Sanguinett | Greensboro | NC |
Lydia Scaramastra | Greensboro | NC |
Ainsley Scholtz | Colfax | NC |
Ashleigh Scott | Whitsett | NC |
Katherine Scott | Greensboro | NC |
Hyunwoo Seo | Greensboro | NC |
Adrian Serrano-Rivas | Madison | NC |
Amin Shaiban | Concord | NC |
Grant Sharpe | Burlington | NC |
Tara Shaw | State Rd | NC |
Brian Shelton | High Point | NC |
Isaiah Shelton | Trinity | NC |
John Sieck | McLeansville | NC |
Jerry Silva Silva | Greensboro | NC |
Michael Simmons | Archdale | NC |
Prajjwal Singh | High Point | NC |
Aislyn Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Ikea Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Katie Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Marjorie Solo | Greensboro | NC |
Samuel Soto | Greensboro | NC |
Emmalynn Spencer | Greensboro | NC |
Jenelle Squires | Greensboro | NC |
Mackenzie Stafford | Whitsett | NC |
Jacob Staley | Advance | NC |
Trevon Stapler | Winston Salem | NC |
Timona Stapleton | High Point | NC |
Carmen Starks | High Point | NC |
Delondria Stokes | Greensboro | NC |
Morrigan Stone | Greensboro | NC |
Robin Strader | Kernersville | NC |
Britney Strickland | Greensboro | NC |
Kenya Stubbs | Greensboro | NC |
Minji Suh | Colfax | NC |
Parker Sullivan | Greensboro | NC |
Anika Suman | Greensboro | NC |
Daniel Tanner | Greensboro | NC |
Dustin Taylor | Walnut Cove | NC |
Sabrina Taylor | High Point | NC |
Sean Teague | Greensboro | NC |
Dinar Teklu | Greensboro | NC |
Angel Thomas | Greensboro | NC |
Cleveland Thomas | Greensboro | NC |
Noah Thomas | Rolesville | NC |
Faith Thompson | Liberty | NC |
Taylor Thompson | Greensboro | NC |
Kaiya Thonen-Fleck | Jamestown | NC |
Charles Thousand | Greensboro | NC |
Amber Torres | Browns Summit | NC |
Ginna Torres | Asheboro | NC |
Elijah Touzoukou | Greensboro | NC |
Isaac Tran | Kernersville | NC |
Van Tran | Archdale | NC |
Vy Tran | Greensboro | NC |
Trung Trinh | McLeansville | NC |
Brandon Tucker | Thomasville | NC |
Courtney Tucker | Lexington | NC |
Jerry Tucker | High Point | NC |
Mark Tuggle | Stoneville | NC |
Catherine Turnage | Greensboro | NC |
Stacey Van Noy | Greensboro | NC |
Derek Vartanian | Monroe | NC |
Amy Velasco | High Point | NC |
Rafael Venegas | High Point | NC |
Lee Vernon | Kernersville | NC |
Elizabeth Voss | Greensboro | NC |
Philip Wagoner | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Dayna Walker | Kernersville | NC |
Nicole Walsh | Browns Summit | NC |
Luke Walters | Cleveland | NC |
Malikhai Walton | Jamestown | NC |
Luke Washburn | Greensboro | NC |
Diane Watkins | McLeansville | NC |
Nicholas Watson | Burlington | NC |
Kathryn Webb | Lewisville | NC |
Dorian Webster | Greensboro | NC |
Gatlin Weidler | High Point | NC |
Tera Weigman | Greensboro | NC |
Julia Weimer | Mooresville | NC |
Jeannine Westbrook | Asheboro | NC |
Kirsten White | Winston Salem | NC |
Matthew White | Oak Ridge | NC |
Carson Wicker | Greensboro | NC |
Madison Wildman | High Point | NC |
Riche Wiley | Oxford | NC |
Seth Willis | Greensboro | NC |
Tonesia Willis | High Point | NC |
Asia Winder | Greensboro | NC |
Grace Womack | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Katherine Woodell | Oak Ridge | NC |
Tiffany Woods | Browns Summit | NC |
Jack Woolard | Greensboro | NC |
Cassandra Wright | Jamestown | NC |
Ronell Wright | High Point | NC |
Yer Yang | Archdale | NC |
Adam Yengle | Greensboro | NC |
Christian Yengle | Greensboro | NC |
Zubair Yimam | Greensboro | NC |
Rachel Yokeley | Greensboro | NC |
Aurora Young | Kernersville | NC |
Jessica Zhong | Kernersville | NC |
Daryn Zimmerman | Greensboro | NC |
Dean's List
The Dean’s List includes all program students who complete at least 12 credit hours in the fall semester and earn a grade point average of less than 4.0 but no lower than 3.5 with no grade below a C.
Name | City | State |
Syeda Abbas | High Point | NC |
Andrew Abriola | High Point | NC |
Daesha Adair | High Point | NC |
Kalela Adams | Greensboro | NC |
Mikael Adamson | Greensboro | NC |
Jesus Aguilar Tellez | High Point | NC |
Maria Aguilar Torres | Greensboro | NC |
Luis Alejandro | High Point | NC |
Amira Ali | Greensboro | NC |
Mahria Ali | Greensboro | NC |
Christina Almstead | Oak Ridge | NC |
Shakyrah Alsamarraee | Greensboro | NC |
Brian Alvarez | Asheboro | NC |
Raul Andrade-Perea | Greensboro | NC |
Andrei Anghel | Greensboro | NC |
Kelly Arias | High Point | NC |
Jonathan Armenta | Oak Ridge | NC |
Jayden Arreola | Greensboro | NC |
Jasmin Arroyo | Asheboro | NC |
Benjamin Aschenbrenner | Winston Salem | NC |
Sheidy Avalos | Asheboro | NC |
Faryal Ayaz | High Point | NC |
Sarah Ayende | Greensboro | NC |
Conner Backus | Kernersville | NC |
Jeremy Baker | Thomasville | NC |
James Ball | Cleveland | NC |
Michael Ballew | Candler | NC |
Sequoia Banks | High Point | NC |
Shahd Barakat | Greensboro | NC |
Kelli Barnette | Gibsonville | NC |
Elliot Barrientos | Greensboro | NC |
Nathan Bastien | Browns Summit | NC |
Jessica Becker-Gregory | Kill Devil Hills | NC |
Hunter Bell | Greensboro | NC |
Greg Bello | Monroe | NC |
Michelle Benitez | Randleman | NC |
Brenda Benitez-Cruz | Kernersville | NC |
Landon Bertschi | High Point | NC |
Nathan Bezik | Greensboro | NC |
Princess Billups | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Bleeker | Apex | NC |
Akur Bol | Greensboro | NC |
Joseline Bone | Lexington | NC |
Damian Boone | Climax | NC |
Samuel Boone | Greensboro | NC |
Drake Booth | Eden | NC |
Jennifer Bosher | Greensboro | NC |
Nassirah Bouloudene | Greensboro | NC |
Thomas Boutsady | Thomasville | NC |
Hailee Brandenburg | Summerfield | NC |
Derek Brandon | High Point | NC |
Amelia Brewster | High Point | NC |
Alexis Bridges | Whitsett | NC |
Byron Britt | Greensboro | NC |
Austin Brown | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Brown | Greensboro | NC |
Hayden Brown | Greensboro | NC |
Jeremy Brown | Trinity | NC |
Lisa Brown | High Point | NC |
David Bruton | Greensboro | NC |
Zaida Bunch | Summerfield | NC |
Brian Burch | Greensboro | NC |
Michael Burnett | Greensboro | NC |
Ronnie Burns | Whitsett | NC |
Alissha Cain | Burlington | NC |
Oumou Camara | Greensboro | NC |
Karmen Campbell | Trinity | NC |
Lavaughn Campbell | Greensboro | NC |
Carolina Capurro | Jamestown | NC |
Ramcess Carrillo-Diaz | Ramseur | NC |
Toncha Carroll | Greensboro | NC |
Daisy Casas-Martinez | Asheboro | NC |
Emily Castro-Torres | Asheboro | NC |
Shannon Chambers | Asheboro | NC |
Turner Chamblee | Greensboro | NC |
Joey Chaney | Winston Salem | NC |
Yanqin Chen | Greensboro | NC |
Ben Chesnet | Mount Airy | NC |
Brittney Chestnut | McLeansville | NC |
Emily Chevalier | Greensboro | NC |
Kaylan Clark | Jamestown | NC |
Sidney Clark | Jamestown | NC |
David Cleaver | Asheboro | NC |
Maura Close | High Point | NC |
Noah Clouser | Jamestown | NC |
Mackenzie Coble | Climax | NC |
Ashley Coleman | Greensboro | NC |
Jacob Collier | Liberty | NC |
Jessica Collins | Winston Salem | NC |
Lydia Collins | Greensboro | NC |
Gray Comer | Belews Creek | NC |
Vasidki Conneh | Greensboro | NC |
Victoria Conversa Molina | Reidsville | NC |
Corey Cook | Walnut Cove | NC |
Regan Cooper | High Point | NC |
Tiffany Corbett | Burlington | NC |
Sydney Cotton | Asheboro | NC |
Tiara Cozart | Greensboro | NC |
Hollie Cranford | Thomasville | NC |
Kimberly Crews | Greensboro | NC |
Lahna Crutchfield | Summerfield | NC |
Alysse Cruz | Greensboro | NC |
Brayan Cruz Martinez | High Point | NC |
Vallerie Cummings | Greensboro | NC |
Anaya Cureton | High Point | NC |
Lucas Curtis | Mansfield | OH |
Trevor Cushman | Greensboro | NC |
Yi Dai | Greensboro | NC |
Kennedy Daniel | Greensboro | NC |
Tienna Daniels | Winston Salem | NC |
Nehemiah Davis | Summerfield | NC |
Ricky Davis | Greensboro | NC |
Walter Decker | Greensboro | NC |
Andrew DeGregorio | Browns Summit | NC |
Curtis Diaz | Thomasville | NC |
Allison Dickens | Greensboro | NC |
Abigail Dillard | Colfax | NC |
Dominic DiMillo | Greensboro | NC |
Youssouf Diombera | Browns Summit | NC |
Rachel Dixon | High Point | NC |
Tonnekqua Dixon | Greensboro | NC |
Diana Doan | Jamestown | NC |
Alex Dominguez-Montero | Winston Salem | NC |
Johnathan Doran | Greensboro | NC |
Nontsikelelo Dos Santos | Greensboro | NC |
Brianna Dove | Reidsville | NC |
Alita Duarte Gage | Greensboro | NC |
Sherry Duncan | Archdale | NC |
Blyss Eanes | High Point | NC |
Clayton English | Greensboro | NC |
H-Kelly Enuol | Greensboro | NC |
Joshua Erb | High Point | NC |
Taylor Evans | Yanceyville | NC |
Alyssa Fama | Greensboro | NC |
Noor Fatima | High Point | NC |
Angela Felix | Winston Salem | NC |
Alyssa Fennell | Greensboro | NC |
Benny Ferguson | Winston-Salem | NC |
Juan Pablo Fernandez | Greensboro | NC |
Luis Fernandez Diaz | Greensboro | NC |
S'Mari Fields | Durham | NC |
Collin Flick | Oak Ridge | NC |
Jennifer Flynn | Thomasville | NC |
Ian Foley | Greensboro | NC |
Vanessa Forde | Walkertown | NC |
Stephan Foster | McLeansville | NC |
Daveda Fox | Snow Camp | NC |
Jeremiah Fredere | Greensboro | NC |
Megan Frye | Trinity | NC |
Guadalupe Garcia | Asheboro | NC |
Dalinska Garica | High Point | NC |
Laine Garrison | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Jeremy Gattis | Whitsett | NC |
Abram Gee | Winston Salem | NC |
Kareena Gentry | Charlotte | NC |
Quinton Gilbert | High Point | NC |
Kaylee Glidewell | High Point | NC |
Kyle Godfrey | Stokesdale | NC |
Jacob Goin | Stoneville | NC |
Kenneth Golemon | Trinity | NC |
Jaiya Gomes | Greensboro | NC |
Sophia Goudes | Charlotte | NC |
Kasey Graves | Whitsett | NC |
Annlee Grayson | Oak Ridge | NC |
Sarah Greco | Asheboro | NC |
Latisha Greene | Gibsonville | NC |
William Greene | Greensboro | NC |
Lisa Griffin | Greensboro | NC |
Deborah Gyekye Ankapong | Whitsett | NC |
Hassan Hajmusa | Greensboro | NC |
Mason Hall | Kernersville | NC |
Jackson Hallman | Oak Ridge | NC |
William Hamm | Archdale | NC |
Robert Hardy | Trinity | NC |
Jesse Harmon | High Point | NC |
Christopher Harn | Greensboro | NC |
Zeinab Harouna Amadou | Greensboro | NC |
Austin Harrington | Rockingham | NC |
Jeremiah Harris | Greensboro | NC |
Krystal Harris | Jamestown | NC |
Sarah Hassan | High Point | NC |
Joseph Hayes | Greensboro | NC |
Azadeh Hazemizadehrajabi | Lexington | NC |
Andi Henderson | Randleman | NC |
Christopher Hensley | Greensboro | NC |
Brianna Herbin | Reidsville | NC |
Linda Hernandez | Clemmons | NC |
Jacqueline Hernandez-Cruz | Greensboro | NC |
Chris Hernandez-Macias | Greensboro | NC |
En Heuangpraseuth | High Point | NC |
Hannah Hieber | Summerfield | NC |
Alyssa Hill | Climax | NC |
April Hisey | Walnut Cove | NC |
McLaine Holder | Fpo | AE |
Miranda Holder | Asheboro | NC |
Andrew Horstkamp | Winston-Salem | NC |
Sean Hsieh-Sills | Greensboro | NC |
Natalie Hughes | Lawsonville | NC |
Shanna Hundley | Greensboro | NC |
Harris Hyatt | High Point | NC |
Griselda Ibarra-Godinez | Greensboro | NC |
Alina Ishtiaq | High Point | NC |
Yeancarlos Jalouf | High Point | NC |
Israel Jaramillo Vences | Randleman | NC |
Abigail Jarrell | Greensboro | NC |
Ashley Jasso-Hernandez | Gibsonville | NC |
Lauren Jessup | Kernersville | NC |
Savannah Jewell | Statesville | NC |
Callie Jobe | McLeansville | NC |
Dewey Johnson | High Point | NC |
Kyle Jones | Greensboro | NC |
Meagan Jones | High Point | NC |
Dayton Joyce | Belews Creek | NC |
Kevin Joyce | Madison | NC |
Bich Ka | Greensboro | NC |
Komalpreet Kaur | High Point | NC |
Kamaria Keck | Greensboro | NC |
Daniel Kellermeyer | Winston Salem | NC |
Lisa Kelly | Greensboro | NC |
Shalontria Kelly | Jamestown | NC |
Sherry Kent | Greensboro | NC |
Ashley Key | Trinity | NC |
Azhar Khan | High Point | NC |
Kennedy Kirk | McLeansville | NC |
Aleesha Kitchen | High Point | NC |
Yatimba Kodi | High Point | NC |
Agnes Kolog | Greensboro | NC |
Marley Koons | Archdale | NC |
Elsa Kotangonda | Greensboro | NC |
Bum Kpa | Greensboro | NC |
Nii Oye Kpakpo | Greensboro | NC |
William Kramer | High Point | NC |
Jeannine Lafortune | Greensboro | NC |
Olivia Laizure | Summerfield | NC |
Tawni Lamb | Thomasville | NC |
Madeline Lander | Colfax | NC |
Rose Langendorfer | Trinity | NC |
Steele Lankford | High Point | NC |
Kayla Lanser | Summerfield | NC |
Blake Lawson | Colfax | NC |
Michael Lee | High Point | NC |
Sofia Lehmann | Oak Ridge | NC |
Jamison Lemons | Mayodan | NC |
Katherine Lew | High Point | NC |
Amanda Licht | Greensboro | NC |
Jamel Lindsay | McLeansville | NC |
Sakia Lindsay | Greensboro | NC |
Skyy Little | High Point | NC |
Sophia Little | High Point | NC |
Kimberly Loeser | Winston Salem | NC |
Kassondra Logan | Thomasville | NC |
Erik Lopez Isidro | Eden | NC |
Orlando Lopez-Garcia | High Point | NC |
Brian Luna | Jamestown | NC |
Megan Lundeen | Thomasville | NC |
Ahmad Machhadani | Greensboro | NC |
Rami Machhadani | Greensboro | NC |
Fernando Maia | Greensboro | NC |
Jacob Maldonado | Burlington | NC |
Perla Stefany Malpica- Ramirez | Greensboro | NC |
Shaquor Marsh | Oak Ridge | NC |
Kailyn Martinez | High Point | NC |
Jared Martinez-Sanchez | Eden | NC |
Kennedy Martin-Jones | Greensboro | NC |
Kiary McAllister | High Point | NC |
Sarah McBride | Sandy Ridge | NC |
Amia McClary | Greensboro | NC |
Cameron McHenry | Sophia | NC |
Dontasha McKenzie | Greensboro | NC |
Tylan McNeil | Greensboro | NC |
Adel Mebrat | High Point | NC |
Magdalena Mejia | Kernersville | NC |
Collin Melton | Lexington | NC |
Evan Melton | Greensboro | NC |
Yahir Mendoza-Castro | High Point | NC |
Jonah Messer | Summerfield | NC |
Hailey Michalak | High Point | NC |
Latreese Miller | Greensboro | NC |
Audrey Mills | Greensboro | NC |
Brayden Misenheimer | Oak Ridge | NC |
Davis Mitchell | Greensboro | NC |
Rosa Moffitt | Greensboro | NC |
Lizbeth Molina-Zanabria | Mcleansville | NC |
Patrick Montagna | Pennsville | NJ |
Joseph Moody | Graham | NC |
Charlzton Moore | Browns Summit | NC |
Brandon Morand | High Point | NC |
Jason Morgante | Summerfield | NC |
Cristie Moss | Kernersville | NC |
Shannon Moton | Eden | NC |
DezShanai Moutry | Raleigh | NC |
Esperance Muhawenimana | Greensboro | NC |
Denisha Muldrow | Greensboro | NC |
Katherine Mundy | Mount Pleasant | SC |
Jennifer Murphy | Stokesdale | NC |
Stratton Murphy | Summerfield | NC |
Ramsey Musleh | Greensboro | NC |
Coletta Myers | Greensboro | NC |
Khoa Nguyen | High Point | NC |
Thi Nguyen | Thomasville | NC |
Tyler Nguyen | Sherwood | AR |
Norman Nixon | Greensboro | NC |
Deidra Noble | High Point | NC |
Amtul Noor | High Point | NC |
Andraia Oliver | Greensboro | NC |
Leslie Olvera | Greensboro | NC |
Austin Osborne | Sophia | NC |
Nathan Otey | Thomasville | NC |
Claudio Pandolfi | Winston Salem | NC |
Shyne Pang | Greensboro | NC |
Taylor Patrick | Randleman | NC |
Day Paw | High Point | NC |
Tristan Peele | McLeansville | NC |
Rhea Pegram | Kernersville | NC |
George Peters | Asheboro | NC |
Lai Pham | Greensboro | NC |
Chelsie Phillips | Seagrove | NC |
Taylor Phillips | Mayodan | NC |
Eren Phipps | Randleman | NC |
Jordan Pickett | Siler City | NC |
Maikya Price | Greensboro | NC |
Josue Rahlan | Greensboro | NC |
Taylor Rakes | Burlington | NC |
Ivan Ramos Candelero | Randleman | NC |
Anissa Rayfield | High Point | NC |
Quinton Reese | High Point | NC |
Dave Reina | Jamestown | NC |
Christian Rendon | High Point | NC |
Eban Renteria | Lexington | NC |
Jake Ricciuti | Browns Summit | NC |
Madison Rich | Greensboro | NC |
Ashlee Roberts | Greensboro | NC |
Jordan Roberts | Winston Salem | NC |
Petra Robinson | Burlington | NC |
Carmen Rodriguez | Greensboro | NC |
Lacee Rogers | Winston Salem | NC |
Angelisse Roman-Garcia | Greensboro | NC |
Erin Romero | Kernersville | NC |
Logan Rudisill | Greensboro | NC |
Nile Rudison | High Point | NC |
Shekeasha Saeed | Greensboro | NC |
Zarshal Saeed | Thomasville | NC |
Triny Salazar | Greensboro | NC |
Darlene Sampson | Whitsett | NC |
Dominic Sandoval | Greensboro | NC |
Hannah Santos | High Point | NC |
Jordan Schepisi | Greensboro | NC |
Devin Schultz | Thomasville | NC |
Landace Scott | Denton | NC |
Ashten Scott-Ruff | Jamestown | NC |
Dillan Seaver | Greensboro | NC |
Beyond-Faith Seltzer | Greensboro | NC |
Lamaratou Seydou | Greensboro | NC |
Krishna Shah | Greensboro | NC |
Talia Shaheen | High Point | NC |
Agis Shaw | Climax | NC |
Sarah Shea | High Point | NC |
Kinsey Shelton | Stokesdale | NC |
Erica Sherrod | Greensboro | NC |
Nicole Shina | Oak Ridge | NC |
Gregory Shipe | Kernersville | NC |
Julia Sigmon | Thomasville | NC |
Jes'zzia Simmonds | Greensboro | NC |
Laurenne Simpson | Highpoint | NC |
Sean Skinkle | Greensboro | NC |
Alyssa Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Denise Smith | High Point | NC |
Ethan Smith | High Point | NC |
Jennifer Smith | Thomasville | NC |
Jeremiah Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Jennifer Solano | Walnut Cove | NC |
Thai Son | High Point | NC |
Danielle Soria | Jamestown | NC |
Ariadna Sosa | Greensboro | NC |
Della Spencer | Summerfield | NC |
Dustin Springs | Randleman | NC |
Alisha Squires | High Point | NC |
Phillip Starling | Tobaccoville | NC |
Wyatt Stauffer | Snow Camp | NC |
Paul Stetina | Jamestown | NC |
Lydia Stewart | Greensboro | NC |
Harry Stillwell | Germanton | NC |
Ian Sweet | Greensboro | NC |
Keri Tart | Archdale | NC |
Alexandria Teaster | Morganton | NC |
Chloe Templeman | Summerfield | NC |
Jada Terry | High Point | NC |
Amy Thiessen | Winston Salem | NC |
Jonathan Thomas | Greensboro | NC |
Ahna Thompson | Julian | NC |
Ryan Thompson | Stokesdale | NC |
Ansley Tobin | Greensboro | NC |
Zachary Tomlinson | Siler City | NC |
Bao Tran | Greensboro | NC |
Jennifer Trant | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Sydney Trent | High Point | NC |
Travis Truong | High Point | NC |
Jason Trusso | Lexington | NC |
Aaliyah Vasquez | Asheboro | NC |
Christian Vasquez | Siler City | NC |
Lesly Vasquez-Mosqueda | Greensboro | NC |
Felipe Vazquez | Greensboro | NC |
Widalis Vega | Clermont | FL |
Genesis Velasques | Greensboro | NC |
Anthony Velazquez | Greensboro | NC |
Anlli Villatoro | High Point | NC |
Michael Violette | Asheboro | NC |
Bradley VonCannon | China Grove | NC |
Hannah Waddell | Kernersville | NC |
Sabahat Waheed | High Point | NC |
Lizbeth Waldestran-Mundo | High Point | NC |
Jeffrey Walker | Greensboro | NC |
Cara Wall | Greensboro | NC |
Kaquana Ware | High Point | NC |
Brooklyn Watlington | Greensboro | NC |
Dylan Weaver | Climax | NC |
Jadie Wehe | Greensboro | NC |
Marilyn Welch | Graham | NC |
Baileigh Whipple | Greensboro | NC |
Jala Whitehead | Greensboro | NC |
Courtney Whittaker | Randleman | NC |
Aaron Wilburn | High Point | NC |
Emily Willey | Kernersville | NC |
Autumn Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Jack Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Nicolas Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Caleb Williams-Clark | Stokesdale | NC |
Alexandra Wilson | Browns Summit | NC |
Carol Wilson | Greensboro | NC |
Matthew Windsor | High Point | NC |
Matthew Witten | High Point | NC |
Adam Wright | High Point | NC |
Austin Yenni | High Point | NC |
Caitlin Yow | Randleman | NC |
Esther Zamora | Winston Salem | NC |
Diego Zeballos | High Point | NC |
Nahla Zeuner | High Point | NC |
Jordan Zimmerman | Summerfield | NC |
Lal Zuala | High Point | NC |
Honors List
The Honors List includes all program students who complete at least two courses in the fall semester for a minimum of six credit hours, but no more than 11 credit hours and earn at least a 3.5 grade point average with no grade lower than a B.
Name | City | State |
Asad Abbas | Colfax | NC |
Habiba Abdelaziz | Greensboro | NC |
Sumia Abdelnabi | Greensboro | NC |
Muzan Abdelrahman | Greensboro | NC |
Elham Abdollahi | Greensboro | NC |
Mariama Abdoulatif Moustapha | Greensboro | NC |
Zuhair Abdullah | Greensboro | NC |
Naomi Abline | Burlington | NC |
Rama Abu Khass | Greensboro | NC |
Nasim Abu-Hashem | Greensboro | NC |
Huda Abu-Khass | Greensboro | NC |
Arissa Acosta | High Point | NC |
Dina Acuna | Greensboro | NC |
Nicole Adams | Graham | NC |
Rhonda Adams | Reidsville | NC |
Tarteal Addam | Greensboro | NC |
LaWanda Addison | Greensboro | NC |
Adedayo Adekanle | Greensboro | NC |
Titilope Adeniyi | Greensboro | NC |
Sita Adhikari | Highpoint | NC |
Sujita Adhikari | Charlotte | NC |
Aminat Adumati | Jamestown | NC |
Joshua Agee | Madison | NC |
Amani Agoh | Greensboro | NC |
Alanni Aguilar | Greensboro | NC |
Henna Aguilera | Jamestown | NC |
Ruba Ahmed | Greensboro | NC |
Shaheer Ahmed | High Point | NC |
Fnu Aimen | Archdale | NC |
Camille Akins | Walkertown | NC |
Tony Alarcon | Greensboro | NC |
Tasleem Albaari | Jamestown | NC |
Wendy Alberto | Winston Salem | NC |
Victoria Albright | Greensboro | NC |
Hawra Albu Ali | Greensboro | NC |
Cristian Alexander | High Point | NC |
Mouniratou Alfa Tamimou | Greensboro | NC |
Christian Alfaro | High Point | NC |
Muna Ali | Greensboro | NC |
Osama Ali | Jamestown | NC |
Arenn Aliche | Greensboro | NC |
Craig Allen | Greensboro | NC |
Grayson Allred | McLeansville | NC |
Anbr Alshare | High Point | NC |
Adrian Alston | Greensboro | NC |
Mahagony Alston | McLeansville | NC |
Ty'keisha Alston | Greensboro | NC |
Christina Alvaro | McLeansville | NC |
Harouna Amadou Hamidou | Greensboro | NC |
Swetha Anand | Greensboro | NC |
Derek Anderson | Greensboro | NC |
Gillian Anderson | Greensboro | NC |
Micheal Anderson | High Point | NC |
Sara Anderson | Kernersville | NC |
Tyler Anderson | Greensboro | NC |
Bekal Andi | High Point | NC |
Ryan Andrews | Jamestown | NC |
Caitlyn Annunziato | Brooksville | FL |
Sanaya Apple | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Applegate | Greensboro | NC |
Jose Arguello | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Jessica Arguello-Negrete | Greensboro | NC |
Alicia Arias | High Point | NC |
Jonah Armitage | Greensboro | NC |
Shanique Armond | Whitsett | NC |
Nexxis Arroyo Gonzalez | Bayamon | PR |
Rayyan Arshad | Summerfield | NC |
Nicholas Arthur | Oak Ridge | NC |
Arleth Arzate Pineda | Greensboro | NC |
Misael Arzate Pineda | Greensboro | NC |
Dijana Asentic | Greensboro | NC |
Hina Asghar | High Point | NC |
Tania Asghar | High Point | NC |
Melanie Ashburn | High Point | NC |
Bradley Ashby | Lawsonville | NC |
Sister-Edith Asmah | Greensboro | NC |
D'Elbrah Assamoi | Greensboro | NC |
Ruth Augustine | Greensboro | NC |
Brittany Aultman | Thomasville | NC |
Jennifer Averitt | High Point | NC |
Jason Avery | Stokesdale | NC |
Megan Aydelette | Oak Ridge | NC |
Julie Ayers | Kernersville | NC |
Khalid Babekir | Greensboro | NC |
Annie Badger | Summerfield | NC |
Nicole Badillo | Kernersville | NC |
Dymin Bahar | Greensboro | NC |
Hannah Bahena | Eden | NC |
Antonio Bailey | Greensboro | NC |
Kyle Baird | High Point | NC |
Adrienne Baker | Charlotte | NC |
Debra Baker | Browns Summit | NC |
Erin Baker | Greensboro | NC |
Seth Baker | Climax | NC |
Khush Bakht | High Point | NC |
Skylar Ballard | Salisbury | NC |
Ashlee Banks | Burlington | NC |
Aida Barahona Ventura | Greensboro | NC |
Jamell Barbee | High Point | NC |
Teri Barber | Trinity | NC |
Sarah Barbour | High Point | NC |
Jacob Barbre | Staley | NC |
Kaila Barco | Winston Salem | NC |
Allison Barnes | Greensboro | NC |
Athens Barnes III | Greensboro | NC |
Eric Barnes | Greensboro | NC |
Shawndel Barnes | Greensboro | NC |
Brooklynn Barnett | Greensboro | NC |
Madeline Barrett | Stokesdale | NC |
Taylor Barricks | Summerfield | NC |
Barbara Barros | Greensboro | NC |
Ieva Barskevicius | Greensboro | NC |
Ian Barts | High Point | NC |
Zamya Baskins | Greensboro | NC |
Ashley Bassett | Lexington | NC |
Debra Battle | Greensboro | NC |
Miyisha Battle | Greensboro | NC |
Nigel Battle | Greensboro | NC |
Steven Bauer | Whitsett | NC |
Johnathon Beadle | High Point | NC |
Mark Beard | Reidsville | NC |
Shane Beauregard | Greensboro | NC |
Jessica Becerra | Greensboro | NC |
Gracie Beck | Greensboro | NC |
Shawn Belcher | Greensboro | NC |
Brittney Bell | Greesnboro | NC |
Zachary Bell | Concord | NC |
Kevin Bennett | Winter Garden | FL |
Stephanie Benoit | Archdale | NC |
Summer Benton | Raleigh | NC |
Alisha Benz | Greensboro | NC |
Shelby Berard | Greensboro | NC |
Madison Berg | Graham | NC |
Matthew Berwick | High Point | NC |
Samuel Bettinger | Oak Ridge | NC |
Rabia Bi Bi | High Point | NC |
Nayyar Bibi | High Point | NC |
Justin Biggs | Greensboro | NC |
Kody Black | Winston Salem | NC |
Ashanti Blair | Greensboro | NC |
Matthew Blair | High Point | NC |
Jacob Blakeley | Thomasville | NC |
Naima Blakely | Greensboro | NC |
Jody Blalock | Greensboro | NC |
Laura Bleich | Greensboro | NC |
Brayden Blomquist | Climax | NC |
Jonah Boan | Greensboro | NC |
Silena Boaz | Pilot Mountain | NC |
Mackenzie Boles | Greensboro | NC |
Jerrica Bolton | Mebane | NC |
Vance Bolyard | Summerfield | NC |
Deborah Booker | Greensboro | NC |
Raven Boone | Roanoke Rapids | NC |
Stephanie Booth | Winston Salem | NC |
Justin Borja | Clemmons | NC |
Antwanette Boston | Winston Salem | NC |
Courtney Boston | Winston Salem | NC |
Dynishia Boston | Wilson | NC |
Siham Boudjenah | Greensboro | NC |
Sydney Bowen | Browns Summit | NC |
John Bowers | Kernersville | NC |
Ashley Bowman | High Point | NC |
Jason Bowman | Trinity | NC |
Sirvantus Boyce | Whitsett | NC |
Spencer Boydstun | Graham | NC |
Caroline Bozovich | Greensboro | NC |
Natalie Brabble | Greensboro | NC |
Kevin Bradby | High Point | NC |
Leah Bradley | High Point | NC |
Clint Bradshaw | Greensboro | NC |
Joshua Brady | Eden | NC |
Lucy Brand | High Point | NC |
Alexander Brandsma | Greensboro | NC |
Mikayla Brannock | Greensboro | NC |
Blake Bratu | Greensboro | NC |
Lydia Brennan | High Point | NC |
Bridget Brewer | Lexington | NC |
Lane Brewer | Greensboro | NC |
Khadijah Bridges | Greensboro | NC |
Sable Briggs | Thomasville | NC |
Briana Bringas Benitez | Asheboro | NC |
Carson Brinkley | Lexington | NC |
Anna Leah Brinley | Stokesdale | NC |
Dana Briscoe | Browns Summit | NC |
Sara Brito | High Point | NC |
Rick Broach | Greensboro | NC |
Alexis Brooker | Greensboro | NC |
Autumn Brooks | Jamestown | NC |
Scarlett Brooks | Siler City | NC |
Amelia Brown | Colfax | NC |
Anna Brown | Jamestown | NC |
Brittany Brown | Mebane | NC |
Gail Brown | Winston Salem | NC |
Latoya Brown | Gibsonville | NC |
Latoya Brown | Greensboro | NC |
Lori Brown | Greensboro | NC |
Salycia Brown | High Point | NC |
Samantha Brown | Greensboro | NC |
Smith Brown | Oak Ridge | NC |
Zach Brown | Lexington | NC |
Gabrielle Bruff | Lexington | NC |
Kaylyn Bryan | McLeansville | NC |
Abigail Buck | Greensboro | NC |
Desiree Bucknor | Winston Salem | NC |
Vy Bui | Greensboro | NC |
Nicholas Bullis | Greensboro | NC |
Emma Bunch | Reidsville | NC |
Ericka Burch | Greensboro | NC |
Emilia Burgos Santana | Greensboro | NC |
Noah Burke | Stokesdale | NC |
Tiffany Burrows | Gibsonville | NC |
Nayeli Bustos-Martinez | Burlington | NC |
Linden Butterfield | High Point | NC |
Chaneay Bynum | Climax | NC |
Hannah Byon | Colfax | NC |
MacKenzi Cabiness | Jamestown | NC |
Donnae Cagle | High Point | NC |
Carmen Cain | Durham | NC |
Rodney Cain | Durham | NC |
Jasmine Caldwell | High Point | NC |
Mackenzie Caldwell | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Laronda Cale | Whitsett | NC |
Ratesha Calhoun | Greensboro | NC |
Nakischa Cambridge | Burlington | NC |
Maci Campbell | Thomasville | NC |
Sabrina Campbell | Greensboro | NC |
Fernando Cano-Cisneros | Randleman | NC |
Emily Carachure | High Point | NC |
Anthony Cardinez | Greensboro | NC |
Maira Carmona Gomez | Greensboro | NC |
Jesse Carpenter | High Point | NC |
Emily Carr | High Point | NC |
Alexis Carrington | Greensboro | NC |
Olivia Carroll | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Amirah Carter | Greensboro | NC |
Cassidy Carter | Burlington | NC |
Hannah Carter | Trinity | NC |
Latishia Carter | High Point | NC |
Monica Carter | Greensboro | NC |
Tre-Von Carter | Henderson | NC |
Brandi Casey | Greensboro | NC |
Wendolyne Castellanos | Greensboro | NC |
Maria Castillo | Greensboro | NC |
Cynthia Castro-Torres | Asheboro | NC |
Jarett Catalano | High Point | NC |
Sydney Causey | Greensboro | NC |
Marian Cayton | Madison | NC |
Jose Centeno Mendoza | Burlington | NC |
Dev Chainani | Greensboro | NC |
Katrina Chapman | High Point | NC |
Kristizah Chapman | Clayton | NC |
Hadi Chaudhri | High Point | NC |
Furqan Chaudhry | Greensboro | NC |
Talal Chaudhry | High Point | NC |
Desiree Cherry | McLeansville | NC |
Ryan Cherukuri | Greensboro | NC |
Lacy Childress | Greensboro | NC |
Selby Chipman | Oak Ridge | NC |
Hyeone Choi | Greensboro | NC |
Lauren Chou | Greensboro | NC |
Adam Chouchane | Whitsett | NC |
Emma Church | Summerfield | NC |
Ibrahima Cisse | Greensboro | NC |
Briana Clark | Greensboro | NC |
Jessica Clark | Greensboro | NC |
Devon Clarke | Greensboro | NC |
Jonathan Clarke | High Point | NC |
Jaylon Click | Greensboro | NC |
Melissa Climaco | Thomasville | NC |
Kisha Coffie-Tsyewu | Greensboro | NC |
Maisha Coffie-Tsyewu | Greensboro | NC |
Reed Coffman | High Point | NC |
Selena Collins | McLeansville | NC |
Seth Collins | Greensboro | NC |
Sydney Colvin | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Samuel Comer | Whitsett | NC |
Anna Conahan | Greensboro | NC |
Zakkariah Connelly | High Point | NC |
Joseph Cono | High Point | NC |
Nick Consoldane | Greensboro | NC |
Ariana Conversa Molina | Reidsville | NC |
Daron Cook | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Elizabeth Cook | Stoneville | NC |
Lauren Cook | Jamestown | NC |
Thomas Cook | Greensboro | NC |
Joi Cooper | Rocky Mount | NC |
Kinley Cooper | High Point | NC |
Georgia Copenhaver | Oak Ridge | NC |
Anna Copley | High Point | NC |
Anna Copple | Oak Ridge | NC |
Dorothy Corbett | Milton | NC |
Callie Cornelius | Greensboro | NC |
Corinne Cornell | Greensboro | NC |
Zachary Corradini | Graham | NC |
Johnathan Cortes-Garcia | Greensboro | NC |
Janeth Cortez Yanez | Winston Salem | NC |
Taylor Cotie | Greensboro | NC |
Ashley Couglar | Oak Ridge | NC |
Tremaine Cousar | Greensboro | NC |
Hannah Covey | Jamestown | NC |
Jenna Cox | Winston Salem | NC |
Klowlie Cox | Clemmons | NC |
Sataria Cox | Brown Summit | NC |
Wade Cox | Oak Ridge | NC |
Sylvia Cozart | Greensboro | NC |
Holly Craigie | Greensboro | NC |
Taylor Crandall | Greensboro | NC |
Abigail Cranford | Thomasville | NC |
Christina Cranford | Asheboro | NC |
Nathaniel Craven | Kernersville | NC |
Lateasha Crawford | Greensboro | NC |
Malaia Crawford | High Point | NC |
Corey Crickmore | Asheboro | NC |
Ralph Crook | High Point | NC |
Matthew Crosby | Oak Ridge | NC |
Kristin Cross | High Point | NC |
Laurel Cross | Lexington | NC |
Arianyelis Cruz | Thomasville | NC |
Elisabet Cruz | Thomasville | NC |
Blake Culler | Jamestown | NC |
Jamie Culler | Greensboro | NC |
William Cummings | Pleasant Gdn | NC |
Mirela Curlee | High Point | NC |
Brian Currie | High Point | NC |
Jessica Currie | Winston Salem | NC |
Katherine Curry | Greensboro | NC |
Jashawnda Cyrus | High Point | NC |
Beck Dallas | High Point | NC |
Da'Mya Dalton-McLean | High Point | NC |
Merrick David | Goldsboro | NC |
Stefannie Davidson | Julian | NC |
Abigail Davis | High Point | NC |
Charlotte Davis | Greensboro | NC |
Destony Davis | Greensboro | NC |
Devonte' Davis | Greensboro | NC |
Nartarsha Davis | Greensboro | NC |
Kenneth Dawkins | Greensboro | NC |
Kim Days | Greensboro | NC |
David Dean | Reidsville | NC |
Frances Dean | Reidsville | NC |
Jessica Deese | High Point | NC |
Elizabeth Degnon | Greensboro | NC |
Kurstie DeHaven | Burlington | NC |
Ava Delellis | Oak Ridge | NC |
Maeve Deltano | Liberty | NC |
Ryan Denis | Greensboro | NC |
Dustin Dennison | Gibsonville | NC |
Devin Denton | Greensboro | NC |
Raquel Depaz | Randleman | NC |
Roshan Desai | Jamestown | NC |
Charles Dewitt Jr | Thomasville | NC |
Keysh Deynes Ruiz | High Point | NC |
Omar Diab | Greensboro | NC |
Gisela Diaz Sura | Greensboro | NC |
Andrew Diaz-Hernandez | High Point | NC |
Thomas Dicellis | Greensboro | NC |
Brenden Dick | Stokesdale | NC |
Kraven Dickens | High Point | NC |
Gloria Dingle | High Point | NC |
Serigne Diouf | Greensboro | NC |
Caitlyn Dixon | Colfax | NC |
Onozale Djakoure | Greensboro | NC |
Rachel Doan | Winston Salem | NC |
Shy'Kiera Dockery | Greensboro | NC |
Tamara Dockery | High Point | NC |
Kandia Dodero | Hickory | NC |
Isabella Doheny | Minneapolis | MN |
Elvis Dovi | Greensboro | NC |
Wendy Dresher | Greensboro | NC |
Brian Drumm | Greensboro | NC |
Brandon Duel | Greensboro | NC |
Ameen Dumauriet | High Point | NC |
Sarah Dumauriet | High Point | NC |
Helen Dunlap | Thomasville | NC |
Erika Dunn | Greensboro | NC |
Lacosta Dunn | Thomasville | NC |
Mikhayla Dunn | Graham | NC |
Kendy Duong | Greensboro | NC |
Britney Durham | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Dutch | Greensboro | NC |
Brandon Eads | Winston Salem | NC |
Abigail Early | Summerfield | NC |
Stephanie Eaton | Greensboro | NC |
Yahia Ebendriss | Greensboro | NC |
Cassie Eberle | Stokesdale | NC |
Caitlyn Ebert | Greensboro | NC |
Manuela Eckert | Julian | NC |
Adrian Edelen | Whitsett | NC |
John Edmonds | Greensboro | NC |
Moussa O Edouard Anonako | Greensboro | NC |
Anderson Edwards | New Bern | NC |
Kayla Edwards | Winston Salem | NC |
Pinkie Edwards | Archdale | NC |
Sharon Egeonu | Greensboro | NC |
Razan Elboshra | Greensboro | NC |
Slma Elboshra | Greensboro | NC |
Cynthia Elder | Kernersville | NC |
Stratton Elkin | Durham | NC |
John Eller | High Point | NC |
Nathan Elliott | Greensboro | NC |
Rachel Elliott | Greensboro | NC |
Jonathan Ellis | Lewisville | NC |
Lelani Ellis | High Point | NC |
Jessica Elwood | Greensboro | NC |
Nabil Elyousofy | Greensboro | NC |
Wilburn English | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Julianna Engstrom | Greensboro | NC |
Brandon Entsminger | High Point | NC |
Mya Ervin | High Point | NC |
Vera Eshelman | Greensboro | NC |
Rachel Eskew | High Point | NC |
Yanet Espino | High Point | NC |
Courtney Estes | Sanford | NC |
Samaria Etheridge | Greensboro | NC |
Hannah Eudy | Greensboro | NC |
Tucker Evans | Jamestown | NC |
Ahmed Fadhil | High Point | NC |
Tuqa Fadhil | High Point | NC |
David Farlow | Sophia | NC |
Noor Fatima | Archdale | NC |
Jacob Faucette | Summerfield | NC |
Shannon Faucette | Climax | NC |
Luis Favela | Greensboro | NC |
Lillian Fenske | Greensboro | NC |
Etan Ferguson | Greensboro | NC |
Jazzeree Ferrell | McLeansville | NC |
Carter Fields | Oak Ridge | NC |
Sarah Fields | High Point | NC |
Ashley Fierro | High Point | NC |
Lydia Figueroa | High Point | NC |
Sophia Fincher | Stoneville | NC |
Tiffany Finney-Jones | Greensboro | NC |
Elizabeth Fisher | Greensboro | NC |
Katharine Fleming | Summerfield | NC |
Wilnedia Florveus | High Point | NC |
Leslie Floyd | High Point | NC |
Peyton Flynn | Jamestown | NC |
Stephanie Fogleman | Liberty | NC |
Carr Folds | Greensboro | NC |
Nathan Folsom | Greensboro | NC |
Iris Fon | Graham | NC |
Jordan Ford | Archdale | NC |
Rebecca Ford | Whitsett | NC |
Cassidy Fore | Greensboro | NC |
Sydney Foster | Oak Ridge | NC |
Emily Fourqurean | Greensboro | NC |
Dallas Fox | Statesville | NC |
Kyle Fox | Jamestown | NC |
Yakima Fox | Greensboro | NC |
Erica Freeman | Greensboro | NC |
Callie Fricks | Burlington | NC |
Kennedy Frink | Whitsett | NC |
Dalton Fryar | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Raxela Fuentes | High Point | NC |
Christopher Fulton-Abbott | Winston Salem | NC |
Mataeus Funderburk | Greensboro | NC |
Juliana Gagliano | Jamestown | NC |
Katrina Gainey | Greensboro | NC |
Onysti' Gainey | McLeansville | NC |
Madison Gallop | Archdale | NC |
Kendra Galloway | Oak Ridge | NC |
Scott Gammons | Eden | NC |
Manvi Gandla | High Point | NC |
Desaray Gann | Greensboro | NC |
Anthony Garcia | Greensboro | NC |
Sofia Garcia | Greensboro | NC |
Wendy Garcia Cruz | Thomasville | NC |
Monica Garcia Rico | Greensboro | NC |
Damaris Garcia-Bueno | High Point | NC |
Leonardo Garcia-Carrera | Greensboro | NC |
Amy Garcia-Gomez | Greensboro | NC |
Abigail Garcia-Ruiz | Greensboro | NC |
Jesus Garcia-Salinas | Asheboro | NC |
Matthew Garmer | High Point | NC |
Grace Garner | Oak Ridge | NC |
Kelsey Gartner | Oak Ridge | NC |
D'Untra Gary | Greensboro | NC |
Mercy Gathogo | Brown Summit | NC |
Catherine Gauldin | Reidsville | NC |
Derek Gauss | Burlington | NC |
Josue Gaytan Jimenez | High Point | NC |
Vanessa Gentry | Charlotte | NC |
Dylan George | Greensboro | NC |
Arnita Gibson | High Point | NC |
Paris Gibson | Winston Salem | NC |
Justin Gillespie | Greensboro | NC |
Lisa Gillespie | Salisbury | NC |
Danielle Giraldo | Oak Ridge | NC |
Elizabeth Girolamo | Greensboro | NC |
Joseph Glavey | Jamestown | NC |
Kelayah Glenn | Greensboro | NC |
Gabriel Godwin | Greensboro | NC |
Harold Godwin | Greensboro | NC |
Tracy Godwin | Greensboro | NC |
Nona Goffney-Brown | High Point | NC |
Jade Goins | Greensboro | NC |
Michael Goins | Greensboro | NC |
Brenda Gomez | Greensboro | NC |
Joseline Gonzalez | High Point | NC |
Wendy Gonzalez Mendoza | Greensboro | NC |
Jesus Gonzalez-Pineda | High Point | NC |
Bianca Gonzalez-Rojas | Greensboro | NC |
Geoffrey Goodson | Greensboro | NC |
Jeffrey Gordon | Greensboro | NC |
Adam Gordy | Kernersville | NC |
Savannah Gough | Stanley | NC |
Paige Gowdy | High Point | NC |
Hannah Gragg | Lewisville | NC |
Kent Graham | Jamestown | NC |
Stacy Graham | Eden | NC |
Jamie Grant | High Point | NC |
Christopher Graves | Greensboro | NC |
Brandy Gray | Greensboro | NC |
Jude Grayer | Greensboro | NC |
Daniel Green | Jamestown | NC |
Mya Green | Greensboro | NC |
Erica Greene | Seagrove | NC |
Malicha Greene | Greensboro | NC |
Michael Greene | High Point | NC |
Sarah Greene | Greensboro | NC |
Bethany Greer | Summerfield | NC |
Allison Gregg | Winston-Salem | NC |
Seth Gregg | Lexington | NC |
Delaney Grider | Jamestown | NC |
Katie Gritton | Stokesdale | NC |
Janyah Grooms | Jamestown | NC |
Cara Grunwald | Greensboro | NC |
Carrie Guess-Slatosky | Randleman | NC |
Samantha Guest | Greensboro | NC |
Daniel Guevara | Greensboro | NC |
Taylor Guglielmo | High Point | NC |
Keshawn Gunthrop | High Point | NC |
William Gusler III | Greensboro | NC |
Christian Guthrie | Greensboro | NC |
Crystal Gutierrez | High Point | NC |
Josue Guzman | Carrboro | NC |
Thuy H | Greensboro | NC |
Shavonna Haamid | High Point | NC |
Tiina Haavisto | Greensboro | NC |
Sean Haboon | Greensboro | NC |
Faten Hadi | Greensboro | NC |
Aleighsa Hager | Graham | NC |
Crystal Hairston | Greensboro | NC |
Shiquita Hairston | High Point | NC |
Tamara Haith | Greensboro | NC |
Brock Hall | Summerfield | NC |
Ciara Hall | Browns Summit | NC |
Devin Hall | Greensboro | NC |
Kiyonna Hall | Whitsett | NC |
Marisa Hall | Browns Summit | NC |
Mark Hall | High Point | NC |
Simone Hall | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Midou Hamadou | Greensboro | NC |
Noha Hamed | Thomasville | NC |
Khalid Hamedelneel | Greensboro | NC |
Jacob Hamilton | Greensboro | NC |
Nattassia Hamilton | Greensboro | NC |
Natasha Hamlet | Snow Camp | NC |
Julya Hamlin | Kernersville | NC |
Isaac Hammond | Oak Ridge | NC |
Aisha Hampton | Greensboro | NC |
John Hamrick | High Point | NC |
Allison Hancock | Greensboro | NC |
Matthew Hanes | Greensboro | NC |
Heidi Hanisco | Greensboro | NC |
Amelia Hansmeyer | High Point | NC |
Joanna Hanson | Oak Ridge | NC |
Russany Haosouphanthong | Lexington | NC |
Kimberly Happel | Oak Ridge | NC |
James Harbaugh | Colfax | NC |
Sara Hardy | Winston Salem | NC |
Brock Harrington | Greensboro | NC |
Addison Harris | Whitsett | NC |
Alyssia Harris | High Point | NC |
Brianna Harris | Albemarle | NC |
Ellie Harris | Winston Salem | NC |
Eunice Harris | Greensboro | NC |
Regetta Harris | Kernersville | NC |
William Hartsell | Greensboro | NC |
Asma Hashim | Greensboro | NC |
Sofiyah Hashish | Jamestown | NC |
Reem Hassan | Greensboro | NC |
Chelsea Hasty | Mebane | NC |
Tanner Hauser | Lexington | NC |
Anna Haviland | Greensboro | NC |
Samantha Hawkins | Greensboro | NC |
Amy Hayes | Elon | NC |
Kennedy Hayes | Mc Leansville | NC |
Micah Hearn | High Point | NC |
Natasha Heddaeus | Greensboro | NC |
Lydia Heflin | Oak Ridge | NC |
Pheaktra Hem | Lexington | NC |
Alana Henderson | Trinity | NC |
Brooke Henley | Greensboro | NC |
Trinity Herbin | Greensboro | NC |
Alondra Hernandez | Biscoe | NC |
Eleazar Hernandez | Mayodan | NC |
Jasmine Hernandez | Greensboro | NC |
Yulissa Hernandez | Asheboro | NC |
Liliana Hernandez-Serrano | High Point | NC |
Michaela Hersey | Greensboro | NC |
Brian Hershey | High Point | NC |
Kaeley Higgins-Durm | Kernersville | NC |
Brooklyn Hill | Burlington | NC |
Joallie Hill | Kernersville | NC |
Joseph Hill | Greensboro | NC |
LaDarricka Hill | High Point | NC |
Mason Hill | Greensboro | NC |
Megan Hill | Greensboro | NC |
Annika Hilton | Greensboro | NC |
Paige Hilton | Greensboro | NC |
Gionna Hines | Burlington | NC |
Elaine Hinkel | Greensboro | NC |
Patrick Hinshaw | Gibsonville | NC |
Emily Hinton | Gibsonville | NC |
Kristina Hmilj | Greensboro | NC |
Tina Ho | Greensboro | NC |
Bryan Hodges | Greensboro | NC |
Zipphorah Hoe-Mickel | Greensboro | NC |
Peyton Hoenig | Asheboro | NC |
Stephanie Hoey | Greensboro | NC |
Ashley Holder | Winston Salem | NC |
Sara Hooks | Greensboro | NC |
Brandon Hopkins | Greensboro | NC |
Kristin Horne | Oak Ridge | NC |
Nicholas Horne | Browns Summit | NC |
Haley Horner | Gibsonville | NC |
Braeden Hosier | High Point | NC |
Jessica Houston | Greensboro | NC |
Harry Howell IV | High Point | NC |
Alexis Howerton | Burlington | NC |
Danielle Howle | Greensboro | NC |
Rhiannon Hoyt | Gibsonville | NC |
David Hronich | High Point | NC |
Aung Htet | Greensboro | NC |
Margaret Htun | High Point | NC |
Joshua Huckabee | Randleman | NC |
John Hudgins | High Point | NC |
Meghan Huff | Greensboro | NC |
Miranda Huffman | Climax | NC |
Kathe Hughes | Lexington | NC |
Alison Hunt | Trinity | NC |
Kaitlyn Hurley | Greensboro | NC |
Rana Hussein | Greensboro | NC |
Ashley Hutchinson | Seagrove | NC |
Marie Hutchinson | High Point | NC |
Gene Hutson | Eden | NC |
Priyaw Hutton | High Point | NC |
Jesse Hylton | Greensboro | NC |
Raphael Ibanez-Ortiz | Greensboro | NC |
Rhonda Idol | Colfax | NC |
Ololade Idowu | McLeansville | NC |
Alice Ifejeh | Greenville | NC |
John Ingram | Climax | NC |
Sompong Inthavong | High Point | NC |
Yvonne Irizarry | San Diego | CA |
Lael Irons | High Point | NC |
Isabele Isaacs | Winston Salem | NC |
Josee Ishimwe | Whitsett | NC |
Grace Issiemo | Greensboro | NC |
Bennie Jackson | Greensboro | NC |
Courtney Jackson | Burlington | NC |
Valisha Jackson | High Point | NC |
Faiez Jado | Greensboro | NC |
Aidan Jaimes | Asheboro | NC |
Brenda Jaimes | Asheboro | NC |
Javon James | Greensboro | NC |
Natalie James | High Point | NC |
Skylar Jannetta | Greensboro | NC |
Delaney Jarmon | Greensboro | NC |
Brenda Jasso | Summerfield | NC |
Jose Jasso | Greensboro | NC |
Leslie Jasso-Hernandez | Gibsonville | NC |
Fatima Jauregui | High Point | NC |
Oliver Javier-Medel | Greensboro | NC |
Marissa Jeffrey-Cook | Wilson | NC |
Starlett Jeffries | Brown Summit | NC |
Canvis Jenkins | Greensboro | NC |
Isaac Jenkins | Greensboro | NC |
Latorria Jenkins | High Point | NC |
Lynsey Jenkins | High Point | NC |
Dominic Jiang | High Point | NC |
Charity Johns | High Point | NC |
Adam Johnson | Reidsville | NC |
Alice Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Allie Johnson | Reidsville | NC |
Brian Johnson | High Point | NC |
Cameron Johnson | Kernersville | NC |
Christopher Johnson | Madison | NC |
Joel Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Leigha Johnson | Henderson | NC |
Samuel Johnson | Colfax | NC |
Torvielle Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
William Johnson | Archdale | NC |
Essynce Johnson-Dixon | High Point | NC |
Brionna Johnson-Woods | Greensboro | NC |
Charlotte Johnstone | Oak Ridge | NC |
Heather Jolly | Apex | NC |
Caleb Jones | Greensboro | NC |
Carrie Jones | Thomasville, | NC |
Christian Jones | Oak Ridge | NC |
Cory Jones | Lexington | NC |
Ethan Jones | High Point | NC |
Isabella Jones | Greensboro | NC |
Jacklynn Jones | Greensboro | NC |
Lauren Jones | Colfax | NC |
Patrick Jones | Greensboro | NC |
Rodniyah Jones | Greensboro | NC |
Tyler Jones | Greensboro | NC |
Ayden Jordan | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Evelyn Jordan | Greensboro | NC |
Normice Joseph | Greensboro | NC |
Amy Joyce | Stoneville | NC |
Melissa Joyce | Stoneville | NC |
Oi Lin Juan | Asheboro | NC |
Florence Judware | King | NC |
John Kaczman | Oak Ridge | NC |
Mikaela Kamsch | Greensboro | NC |
Jaseela Karakulanagara | Oak Ridge | NC |
Nathaniel Kareis | Summerfield | NC |
Skylor Katiman | Browns Summit | NC |
Garrett Katowitz | Oak Ridge | NC |
Tyler Katowitz | Oak Ridge | NC |
Sophia Kawalec | Kernersville | NC |
Samia Kayass | Greensboro | NC |
Sarah Keatts | Jamestown | NC |
Kefey Kebede | Greensboro | NC |
Grace-Anne Keen | Greensboro | NC |
Samantha Keene | Stokesdale | NC |
Taryn Keener | Greensboro | NC |
Lashawnda Kelly | Greensboro | NC |
Victor Kempton | Greensboro | NC |
Noah Kendrick | Browns Summit | NC |
Lisa Kennedy | Thomasville | NC |
Samantha Kennedy | Greensboro | NC |
Tiffany Kennedy | High Point | NC |
Erna Kesedzic | Greensboro | NC |
Fatemeh Keshavarz | Summerfield | NC |
Anna Kessel | Oak Ridge | NC |
Ashleigh Key | High Point | NC |
Julia Key | Greensboro | NC |
Linda Khalfalla | Greensboro | NC |
Kashif Khalid | High Point | NC |
Seham Mohamed Khalil | Greensboro | NC |
Anas Khan | High Point | NC |
Fiza Khan | High Point | NC |
Hanzal Khan | Greensboro | NC |
Rabia Khan | High Point | NC |
Saba Khan | High Point | NC |
Suleman Khan | High Point | NC |
Ayush Khanna | Greensboro | NC |
Zahraa Khattawi | Jamestown | NC |
Christian Kilmer | Climax | NC |
Jooye Kim | Greensboro | NC |
Sungmin Kim | Greensboro | NC |
Brennan King | Oak Ridge | NC |
Meghan Kirkland | High Point | NC |
Jacob Kiser | High Point | NC |
Jak Kk | Greensboro | NC |
Genny Klein | Greensboro | NC |
Tyler Klick | Greensboro | NC |
Luke Knape | Greensboro | NC |
Dyllon Knight | Jamestown | NC |
Olivia Kniseley | High Point | NC |
Caroline Knox | Jamestown | NC |
George Knox | Jamestown | NC |
Brigetta Kohlmeyer Bennett | Browns Summit | NC |
Samira Koirala | High Point | NC |
Zahwa Kolia | Greensboro | NC |
Hanna Koliha | Greensboro | NC |
Y'ut Kpa | Greensboro | NC |
Molly Kraska | Greensboro | NC |
Marisela Krugman | Lewisville | NC |
Kevin Labaziewicz | Jamestown | NC |
Kyle Labaziewicz | Jamestown | NC |
Jessica Lajoie | Greensboro | NC |
Biljana Lakic | High Point | NC |
Lavanya Lama | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Lamarca | Colfax | NC |
Dylan LaMott | Mocksville | NC |
Kelton Langfitt | Jamestown | NC |
Emily Lanning | Julian | NC |
Olivia Lanzillotti | Kernersville | NC |
Daisha Lark | Huntersville | NC |
Alexandrea Lash | Winston-Salem | NC |
Rachel Lassiter | Greensboro | NC |
Houston Lawing | Greensboro | NC |
Sharlene Lawrence | Trinity | NC |
Brooke Laws | Greensboro | NC |
Lee Laws | Burlington | NC |
Ashley Lawson | Greensboro | NC |
Danielle Lawson | Westminster | SC |
Drew Lawson | Oak Ridge | NC |
Roger Layell | Traphill | NC |
Jadon Layton | Liberty | NC |
Devin Le | Greensboro | NC |
Jennifer Le | Greensboro | NC |
Nhat Le | High Point | NC |
Phillip Le | Greensboro | NC |
Quyen Le | High Point | NC |
Do Heon Lee | Greensboro | NC |
Meagan Lee | Greensboro | NC |
Laura Leffew | Greensboro | NC |
Edward Lehanka | Greensboro | NC |
Susan Leonard | Reidsville | NC |
Gloria Lepko | San Diego | CA |
Ashley Lesane | Greensboro | NC |
Jordan Leslie | Gibsonville | NC |
Kaley Lesperance | Summerfield | NC |
Allison Lesser | Greensboro | NC |
Josiah Lester | Fayetteville | NC |
Mashayla Lester | Randleman | NC |
Ryan Lester | High Point | NC |
Toi Letterlough | Greensboro | NC |
Benjamin Lewis | Summerfield | NC |
Chanda Lewis | Greensboro | NC |
Mahleah Lewis | Greensboro | NC |
Shirlitra Lewis | Greensboro | NC |
Michelle Leyva-Espino | Greensboro | NC |
Robert Lichtenstein Jr. | Stokesdale | NC |
Mary Liebert | Summerfield | NC |
James Liggins | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Guimei Lin | Greensboro | NC |
Melanie Lindsey | High Point | NC |
Tyshon Lindsey | Greensboro | NC |
Morgan Linton | Gibsonville | NC |
Alicia Lira-Garcia | Greensboro | NC |
Keith Liverman | Greensboro | NC |
Victoria Loflin | Climax | NC |
Juliette Loftus | Greensboro | NC |
Courtney Logan | Greensboro | NC |
Cora Long | Belews Creek | NC |
Evelyn Long | Siler City | NC |
Joel Long | High Point | NC |
Sydney Long | McLeansville | NC |
Whitney Long | Elon | NC |
Brandon Looney | Greensboro | NC |
Monica Looz | Lexington | NC |
Karla Lopez | Winston Salem | NC |
Rose Lopez | Greensboro | NC |
Rossany Lopez | Greensboro | NC |
Sharon Lopez | Greensboro | NC |
Gianna Lord | Colfax | NC |
Cody Love | Walkertown | NC |
Jason Lovett | Summerfield | NC |
Zeffier Lovett | Greensboro | NC |
Curtis Lowe | Whitsett | NC |
Walter Lutz | Summerfield | NC |
Johnson Luu | Thomasville | NC |
Ametrias Lyles | Greensboro | NC |
Jacques Lyles | Greensboro | NC |
Keyonti Lynch | Greensboro | NC |
Chad Mabe | Walkertown | NC |
Stephen Mabe | Dobson | NC |
Liz Maceda | Greensboro | NC |
Aliyah MacHuca | Greensboro | NC |
Romisha Magar | Greensboro | NC |
Olivia Mahfoud | Summerfield | NC |
Sahar Mahmoud | Greensboro | NC |
Alexzandria Mahoney | Thomasville | NC |
Shailan Malcolm | Little Rock | AR |
Camilla Maldonado | Kernersville | NC |
Muneeba Malik | High Point | NC |
Almira Mamane | McLeansville | NC |
Michael Mangum | Greensboro | NC |
Spencer Mann | Summerfield | NC |
Amanda Manning | Winston Salem | NC |
Alexander Manuli | Greensboro | NC |
Austin Manzi | Greensboro | NC |
Naw Mar | Jamestown | NC |
Brittany Marano | Archdale | NC |
Katherine Marchand | Kernersville | NC |
Kailey Maready | Winston Salem | NC |
Morgan Marley | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Natalia Marquez | Elon | NC |
Steven Marra | Greensboro | NC |
Douglas Marroquin | Charlotte | NC |
Colby Marshall | Jamestown | NC |
Eliza Marshall | Liberty | NC |
Ebony Martin | Greensboro | NC |
Madison Martin | High Point | NC |
Aaliyah Martinez | Greensboro | NC |
Bennett Martinez | Greensboro | NC |
Crystal Martinez | Greensboro | NC |
Emilio Martinez | Greensboro | NC |
Evelyn Martinez | Greensboro | NC |
Maria Martinez-Martinez | High Point | NC |
Rubi Martinez-Montes | Greensboro | NC |
Kolbi Mashburn | Asheboro | NC |
Jaliyah Mason-Bonds | Winston-Salem | NC |
Cynthia Matamoros | Burlington | NC |
Emily Matiak | High Point | NC |
Jeffrey Matthews | Greensboro | NC |
Elizabeth Mattox | Greensboro | NC |
Nicole Matulia | Greensboro | NC |
Julia Maxey | Greensboro | NC |
Samantha May | Browns Summit | NC |
Tori May | Greensboro | NC |
Cole Mayberry | High Point | NC |
David Mayer | Greensboro | NC |
Braxton Mayhew | Highpoint | NC |
Meghan Maynard | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Mc Goldrick | Greensboro | NC |
Jazmyne McAdoo | Greensboro | NC |
Melanie McAllister | High Point | NC |
Ryan McBrayer | Greensboro | NC |
Briana McCain | High Point | NC |
Jared McCall | Pleasant Gard | NC |
Mandy McCall | Trinity | NC |
Avery McCallister | Oak Ridge | NC |
Baylor McCarville | Greensboro | NC |
Tempris McCollum | Greensboro | NC |
Sean McCormick | Julian | NC |
Sabrina McCoy | High Point | NC |
Walker McCray | Greensboro | NC |
Mariel McDougall | Greensboro | NC |
Maggie McGee | Kernersville | NC |
Kelly McGrath | Summerfield | NC |
Sadiyah McGregor | High Point | NC |
Justin McKinley | Greensboro | NC |
Jellica McLellan Martinez | Archdale | NC |
Sheritta McMaster | Greensboro | NC |
Lovelle McMichael Jr. | High Point | NC |
Daevis McMurphy | High Point | NC |
Daniel McNabb | Asheboro | NC |
Aiden McNeill | Greensboro | NC |
Christian McNeill | Greensboro | NC |
Darius McNeill | Greensboro | NC |
Grant McNeill | Greensboro | NC |
Joshua McNeill | High Point | NC |
Mary Meade | Greensboro | NC |
Sauntia Means | Greensboro | NC |
Me Meh | Greensboro | NC |
Tee Meh | Greensboro | NC |
Rylie Meinecke | Jamestown | NC |
Kenya Mejia-Giron | High Point | NC |
Ashley Mendenhall | Browns Summit | NC |
Rolando Mendezmurcia | Greensboro | NC |
Jacqueline Mendiola Salgado | Greensboro | NC |
Yahir Mercado-Lopez | Randleman | NC |
Vanessa Merced | Rural Hall | NC |
Melissa Mercurio | Asheboro | NC |
Devon Merhai | Greensboro | NC |
Arden Merritt | Greensboro | NC |
Abigail Messick | Colfax | NC |
Sarah Metzger | High Point | NC |
Joseph Meyer | Winston Salem | NC |
Rachel Meyer | Greensboro | NC |
Stephen Meyer | Greensboro | NC |
Leonel Mezatio | Jamestown | NC |
Ahmed Mhgoob | Greensboro | NC |
Vincent Michetti | Greensboro | NC |
Carly Midgett | Harrisburg | NC |
Andrew Mihalek | High Point | NC |
Caden Miller | Kernersville | NC |
Chauncey Miller | High Point | NC |
Kate Miller | Greensboro | NC |
Matthew Miller | Kernersville | NC |
Reda Miller | Greensboro | NC |
Shatise Miller | Greensboro | NC |
Raegan Mills | Oak Ridge | NC |
Keicha Milton | McLeansville | NC |
Jessica Miracle | High Point | NC |
Benjamin Miramontes | Lexington | NC |
Andrew Mitchell | Clayton | NC |
Annette Mitchell | Greensboro | NC |
Chloe Mitchell | High Point | NC |
Delanie Mitchell | Greensboro | NC |
Jada Mitchell | Greensboro | NC |
Tina Mitchell | Greensboro | NC |
Tyler Mitchell | Oak Ridge | NC |
Hope Mlo | Greensboro | NC |
Halimo Mohamed | Greensboro | NC |
Maha Mohamed | Greensboro | NC |
Sadia Mohamed | Greensboro | NC |
Enas Mohammed | High Point | NC |
Claudeen Montero | Trinity | NC |
Say Ku Moo | High Point | NC |
Katherine Moody | Asheboro | NC |
Travis Moody | Lexington | NC |
Sheayel Moon | Greensboro | NC |
Angela Moore | Oak Ridge | NC |
April Moore | High Point | NC |
Brenda Moore | High Point | NC |
Carson Moore | Greensboro | NC |
Richard Moore | Thomasville | NC |
Heather Moorefield | Archdale | NC |
Danilo Mora Guerrero | Thomasville | NC |
Alex Morales-Rodriguez | High Point | NC |
Wilson Morejon | Greensboro | NC |
Melissa Moreno-Puente | High Point | NC |
Emily Morgan | High Point | NC |
Felicia Morgan | Whitsett | NC |
Luke Morgan | Advance | NC |
Darlenne Mosqueda | Greensboro | NC |
Axel Mota | High Point | NC |
Melissa Mounce | Greensboro | NC |
Mason Muetzel | Greensboro | NC |
Abigail Mulry | Greensboro | NC |
Leonardo Munoz | Jamestown | NC |
Jakob Murdock | High Point | NB |
Elijah Murray | Jamestown | NC |
Aline Mwamikazi | Greensboro | NC |
Cassie Myers | Greensboro | NC |
Kylie Myers | Summerfield | NC |
Brandon Nash | High Point | NC |
Jose Navarro | Winston Salem | NC |
Lovelyn Ndon | Greensboro | NC |
Abbigail Neal | Archdale | NC |
Dennice Negrete-Mosqueda | Greensboro | NC |
Danika Nelson | Oak Ridge | NC |
Lakisha Nelson | Kernersville | NC |
Kathleen Nemargut | Greensboro | NC |
Pabitra Nepal | High Point | NC |
Aniya Neufville | High Point | NC |
Jadyn Newsome | Greensboro | NC |
Nhung Ngo | High Point | NC |
Carolyn Nguyen | Winston Salem | NC |
Christine Nguyen | High Point | NC |
Derrick Nguyen | Greensboro | NC |
Hue Nguyen | High Point | NC |
Leann Nguyen | Greensboro | NC |
Suong Nguyen | Greensboro | NC |
Truong Nguyen | High Point | NC |
Nilin Ni | Jamestown | NC |
Alyssa Nichols | Greensboro | NC |
Venra Nie | Greensboro | NC |
Sydney Nix | Oak Ridge | NC |
Sylviane Linda Nkemkem Epse Ndongnang | High Point | NC |
Sanaa Noar | Greensboro | NC |
Kadidiatou Noma | Greensboro | NC |
Brett Nooe | Greensboro | NC |
Sonia Noorani | High Point | NC |
Rebecca Nordstrom | High Point | NC |
Chyenne Norman | Franklinville | NC |
Andrew Norris | Greensboro | NC |
Cameron Norris | Stokesdale | NC |
Sydney Oakes | Gibsonville | NC |
Brian O'Bey Jr. | Trinity | NC |
Candace O'Brien | Greensboro | NC |
Yessenia Ochoa Andaya | High Point | NC |
Latrell Ofurhie | Greensboro | NC |
Stephanie Oh | Greensboro | NC |
Jonathan Okuda | Huntersville | NC |
Teniola Oladunjoye | High Point | NC |
Carlos Olguin-Cruz | Reidsville | NC |
Marco Olivares | High Point | NC |
Rylie Olsen | Oak Ridge | NC |
Theo Olubodun | High Point | NC |
Derrick O'Neal | Greensboro | NC |
Jose Ortega | Winston Salem | NC |
Laura Ortiz-Gomez | High Point | NC |
Helia Osareh | Jamestown | NC |
Rebecca Oster | Julian | NC |
Arnold Ouedraogo | Greensboro | NC |
Andy Oun | Winston Salem | NC |
Ashley Owens | Lexington | NC |
Jennifer Owens | Denton | NC |
Gayla Oxendine | Randleman | NC |
Bethany Pace | Greensboro | NC |
Ericah Page | Greensboro | NC |
Julieanna Palmeri | Greensboro | NC |
Alauki Parikh | High Point | NC |
Shelby Paris | Archdale | NC |
Hannah Parker | Kernersville | NC |
Malik Parker | Greensboro | NC |
Karrie Parrish | Greensboro | NC |
Hannah Parsons | Greensboro | NC |
David Paschal | Climax | NC |
Hessouwe Patchali | Greensboro | NC |
Mahi Patel | High Point | NC |
Nimisha Patel | Greensboro | NC |
Preya Patel | High Point | NC |
Ria Patel | High Point | NC |
Sheel Patel | Greensboro | NC |
Charuta Patil | Colfax | NC |
Sheila Patricio Arnulfo | Greensboro | NC |
Caroline Patterson | Greensboro | NC |
Zachary Paul | High Point | NC |
Chad Pauley | Greensboro | NC |
Naw Lay Paw | High Point | NC |
Meghan Payne | High Point | NC |
Neveah Payne | Greensboro | NC |
Leigh Peele | Greensboro | NC |
Nicole Peeples | Greensboro | NC |
Sahira Peguero Day | Ramseur | NC |
Chad Pemberton | Thomasville | NC |
Stephanie Pena-Gonzales | High Point | NC |
Alivia Pendrak | Greensboro | NC |
Heather Penn | Greensboro | NC |
Bretton Pennington | Greensboro | NC |
Christina Perdue | High Point | NC |
Jenna Perdue | Browns Summit | NC |
Maddison Perdue | McLeansville | NC |
Jeffrey Pereira | Thomasville | NC |
Gabriela Perez | Oak Ridge | NC |
Olivia Perez | Greensboro | NC |
Kate Perez-Dominguez | Greensboro | NC |
Zariya Perkins | Greensboro | NC |
Adora Perry | Greensboro | NC |
Alyssa Perry | Kernersville | NC |
Hailey Peterson | High Point | NC |
Roxanne Pfenning | Greensboro | NC |
Anthony Pfohl Jr. | Greensboro | NC |
Vu Pham | High Point | NC |
Tyson Phelps | Kernersville | NC |
Isaiah Phifer | Jamestown | NC |
James Phifer Jr. | Greensboro | NC |
Lexus Pickett | High Point | NC |
Joseph Picon | Greensboro | NC |
Alaura Pinkleton | Greensboro | NC |
Logan Pinnix | Climax | NC |
Infinity Pipkin | High Point | NC |
Mia Pitts | High Point | NC |
Shanika Pitts | High Point | NC |
Debria Pitzer | Greensboro | NC |
Morgan Pleasant | Gibsonville | NC |
Noel Pless | Greensboro | NC |
Katina Plunkett | Greensboro | NC |
Austen Plymell | Kernersville | NC |
Abigail Poage | Thomasville | NC |
Anne Poindexter | Winston Salem | NC |
Stephanie Pointzes | Greensboro | NC |
Morgan Pollock | Greensboro | NC |
Charde' Porter | McLeansville | NC |
Qyanna Porter | Greensboro | NC |
Ben Potgieter | High Point | NC |
Sharon Pouncy | High Point | NC |
Brian Pov | Greensboro | NC |
Derek-Michael Powell | Charlotte | NC |
Anurasika Pradhan | Greensboro | NC |
Latasha Price | Greensboro | NC |
Marissa Pritchard | Randleman | NC |
Rachael Profitt | Climax | NC |
Kyle Pruden | Colfax | NC |
Huil Puih | Greensboro | NC |
Liliana Pulido | Haw River | NC |
Brianna Purnell | Greensboro | NC |
Ryan Pyburn | Greensboro | NC |
Fatai Quadri | Greensboro | NC |
Casey Queen | Trinity | NC |
John Queen | Greensboro | NC |
Nawa Quenum | Greensboro | NC |
Crystal Quick | High Point | NC |
Colin Quintero | Oak Ridge | NC |
Kim Rabon | Thomasville | NC |
Thuan Y Rah Lan | Greensboro | NC |
Hnet Rahlan | Greensboro | NC |
Amrit Rai | High Point | NC |
Kaitlyn Rains | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Vijval Rajan | Greensboro | NC |
Austin Ramey | Greensboro | NC |
Jaime Ramirez | Stokesdale | NC |
Julissa Ramirez | Thomasville | NC |
Monica Ramirez Garcia | Thomasville | NC |
Victoria Ramos | Greensboro | NC |
Sabrina Ramusevic | Greensboro | NC |
Haley Ransom | Greensboro | NC |
Desiree Ransome | Reidsville | NC |
Dionne Ransome | Reidsville | NC |
Wahhab Rasheed | High Point | NC |
Monica Rashkov | Summerfield | NC |
Natalie Ratcliffe | Greensboro | NC |
Joslynn Raver | High Point | NC |
Jessica Read | Greensboro | NC |
Quanisha Reed | Greensboro | NC |
Mackayla Reese | High Point | NC |
Cassidy Reid | Clemmons | NC |
David Reid | High Point | NC |
Jaime Reid | Greensboro | NC |
Kierra Reid | Greensboro | NC |
Shatoria Reid | Elizabeth City | NC |
Ella Reitmeier | Oak Ridge | NC |
Claire Renfro | High Point | NC |
Ashley Reyes | High Point | NC |
Sandra Reyes Soto | Winston Salem | NC |
Ashley Reynolds | Oak Ridge | NC |
Bradford Reynolds | Greensboro | NC |
Pamela Reynolds | Reidsville | NC |
Chabha Rezki | High Point | NC |
Chloe Ann Rhodes | Lexington | NC |
Tina Rhodes | Thomasville | NC |
Carlos Ribas | Miami | FL |
Abigail Rice | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Chaimae Rich | Greensboro | NC |
Lasherrie Richardson | Reidsville | NC |
Natalie Richardson | High Point | NC |
Abigail Ridge | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Dennis Ridge III | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Jaya Ridley | Greensboro | NC |
Hailey Riley | Randleman | NC |
Madeline Ringer | Greensboro | NC |
Sharolet Rippey | Greensboro | NC |
Edgar Rivera-Zepeda | Greensboro | NC |
Charitta Roach | High Point | NC |
Dustin Robbins | Gibsonville | NC |
Kimberly Roberson | Kernersville | NC |
Gerald Roberson II | Colfax | NC |
Farrah Roberts | Greensboro | NC |
McKenzie Roberts | Graham | NC |
Jenna Robertson | Reidsville | NC |
Madison Robertson | Burlington | NC |
Jasmine Rock | Franklinville | NC |
Brandon Rodriguez | High Point | NC |
Christian Rodriguez | Thomasville | NC |
Anna Roe | Reidsville | NC |
Camilo Roets | Whitsett | NC |
Lisa Rogers | Greensboro | NC |
Stephanie Rohr | High Point | NC |
Francesca Romano | High Point | NC |
Amanda Rooney | Clemmons | NC |
Jonathan Roop | Greensboro | NC |
Avery Rosenbluth | Greensboro | NC |
Angela Rosier | Jamestown | NC |
Miranda Rosmann | Summerfield | NC |
Kya Ross | Whitsett | NC |
Samuel Ross | Greensboro | NC |
Elijah Rouse | McLeansville | NC |
Jacob Rouse | McLeansville | NC |
Lilyann Rouse | Summerfield | NC |
Rocio Ruiz Valencia | Greensboro | NC |
Gavin Runyon | Liberty | NC |
Blessing Rusere | Greensboro | NC |
Brandon Russell | Greensboro | NC |
Joshua Russell | Thomasville | NC |
Jonathan Saguier | Greensboro | NC |
Aleksandr Sakers | High Point | NC |
Marcela Salazar | Greensboro | NC |
Aqsa Saleem | High Point | NC |
Luciana Salerno | Elon | NC |
Emily Salgado | Mount Airy | NC |
Abdoul Hamid Salou Doudou | Burlington | NC |
Amani Samaan | High Point | NC |
Lilian Sample | Greensboro | NC |
Stephanie Sams | High Point | NC |
Maria Sanabria | High Point | NC |
Elmer Sanchez | High Point | NC |
Celeste Sanders | High Point | NC |
Thaddeus Sanders | Asheboro | NC |
Zuriel Santiago | Greensboro | NC |
Kayla Sappe | Greensboro | NC |
Kathryn Sargent | Greensboro | NC |
Mary Saums | Kernersville | NC |
Jacob Saunders | Jamestown | NC |
Savannah Saunders | Greensboro | NC |
Travis Sawyer | Greensboro | NC |
Lavinia Scales | Greensboro | NC |
Katherine Scaramastra | Greensboro | NC |
Shelby Schaffer | Bath | NC |
Caitlyn Schama | Greensboro | NC |
Jacob Scheopner | Oak Ridge | NC |
Gabriel Scheve | Spencer | NC |
Micquee Schlegel | Burlington | NC |
Wilhelm Schmidt | High Point | NC |
Michelle Schrote | Randleman | NC |
Gavin Scoggins | Jamestown | NC |
Bryce Scott | Greensboro | NC |
Kalei Seagraves | Greensboro | NC |
Amanda Seibert | Greensboro | NC |
David Sesaho | High Point | NC |
Luke Shafer | Greensboro | NC |
Mason Shaffer | Greensboro | NC |
Fnu Shagufta | High Point | NC |
Jabrielle Shalem | Thomasville | NC |
Evan Shanks | High Point | NC |
Melissa Shaul | Greensboro | NC |
Michael Shaw | Greensboro | NC |
Myckayla Shaw | Charlotte | NC |
Isaac Sheehan | Colfax | NC |
Heather Sheene | Reidsville | NC |
Jennifer Sheets | High Point | NC |
Emilyrose Sheffield | Greensboro | NC |
Elnaz Sheikhi | Greensboro | NC |
Aalijah Sheppard | Greensboro | NC |
Lucy Shirlow | Greensboro | NC |
Aleshia Shoaf | Statesville | NC |
Kaley Shoffner | Whitsett | NC |
Eric Shoop | Burlington | NC |
Margaret Shows | Greensboro | NC |
Sean Shufelt | Kernersville | NC |
Isabella Shuttleworth | Greensboro | NC |
Malaika Siddique | Greensboro | NC |
Lesley Sifuentes | Siler City | NC |
Alayna Simmons | Greensboro | NC |
Larisa Simmons | Greensboro | NC |
Devida Simpson | Greensboro | NC |
Katerina Simpson | Greensboro | NC |
Luke Sineath | Greensboro | NC |
Emily Sis | Kernersville | NC |
Kelley Slade | Whitsett | NC |
Alexander Slaughter | Greensboro | NC |
Emma Sliker | Statesville | NC |
Matthew Slomski | Greensboro | NC |
Ammoni Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Brianna Smith | Archdale | NC |
Christian Smith | Jamestown | NC |
Darla Smith | High Point | NC |
Elizabeth Smith | Archdale | NC |
Gladys Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Joshua Smith | Jamestown | NC |
La'nita Smith | Reidsville | NC |
Monica Smith | High Point | NC |
Nathan Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Ryan Smith | Asheboro | NC |
Tammy Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Tenaya Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Trey Smith | Kernersville | NC |
William Smith | High Point | NC |
Addison Snider | Summerfield | NC |
Lerah Snipes | Siler City | NC |
Sonya Snipes | Greensboro | NC |
Alexandra Solache | Greensboro | NC |
David Solomon | Roxboro | NC |
Samantha Solomon | Salisbury | NC |
Luis Sosa Maldonado | Greensboro | NC |
Ayaba Novignon Sossou | Greensboro | NC |
Lauren Soukup | Oak Ridge | NC |
Christian Southern | Greensboro | NC |
Gracie Southwell | Greensboro | NC |
Rayshawn Spears | Greensboro | NC |
Mark Spence | Greensboro | NC |
Brianna Spivey | Greensboro | NC |
Shawnda Spivey | Burlington | NC |
Selina Spruill | Kernersville | NC |
Charlotte Spurr | Greensboro | NC |
Katlyn Stafford | Thomasville | NC |
Jodi Staley | Greensboro | NC |
Morgan Staley | Winston Salem | NC |
Auziya Stancil | Greensboro | NC |
Lisa Stanley | Greensboro | NC |
Kimberly Staples | Greensboro | NC |
Seth Starbuck | Thomasville | NC |
Patrice Starkie | Greensboro | NC |
Casey Starkweather | High Point | NC |
Kenyetta Starnes | Greensboro | NC |
Spencer Staszak | Stokesdale | NC |
Noah Stenzler | Kernersville | NC |
Gary Stephens | Greensboro | NC |
Ethan Stepp | Archdale | NC |
Annette Stewart | Greensboro | NC |
Michael Stewart | Greensboro | NC |
Nicholas Stewart | Greensboro | NC |
William Stickler | Oak Ridge | NC |
Jay Stiefel | Greensboro | NC |
Kayleigh Stills | Asheboro | NC |
Katherine Stratton | Greensboro | NC |
Benjamin Strickland | Snow Camp | NC |
Madison Strickland | Greensboro | NC |
Sandra Striletchi | High Point | NC |
Stephanie Strucinski | Kernersville | NC |
Olivia Stubbs | High Point | NC |
Eleanor Stump | Greensboro | NC |
Michela Sturdivant | Kernersville | NC |
Thaddeus Sturdivant | Greensboro | NC |
Israel Suarez-Alejandre | Brown Summit | NC |
Kaylee Sudderth | Greensboro | NC |
Mason Suggs | Thomasville | NC |
Adrian Sumpter | Greensboro | NC |
Katherine Sunshine | High Point | NC |
Thomas Sunshine | High Point | NC |
Tony Surgeon | Greensboro | NC |
Asha Susu | Greensboro | NC |
Sydney Sutherland | Greensboro | NC |
Devin Sutton | Greensboro | NC |
Isabella Sutton | Greensboro | NC |
Ashley Swaney | Asheboro | NC |
Lisa Sweet | Greensboro | NC |
Misty Swift | High Point | NC |
Tripp Swing | Lexington | NC |
Kacey Sykes | Trinity | NC |
Koudiratou Takpara | Browns Summit | NC |
Purna Tamang | High Point | NC |
Yeraldine Tamayo | Greenboro | NC |
Keyanna Tate | Greensboro | NC |
Seble Tatek | High Point | NC |
Ginger Tatum | Greensboro | NC |
Raven Taylor | Greensboro | NC |
Amaya Teague | Greensboro | NC |
Madonna Teague | Greensboro | NC |
Jamie Tearpock | Winston Salem | NC |
Harrison Tedder | Greensboro | NC |
Elizabeth Tefft | Summerfield | NC |
Amelia Temoche | Greensboro | NC |
Reid Teoh | Summerfield | NC |
Hannah Tereman | Greensboro | NC |
Lori Terry | State Road | NC |
Haya Thamer | High Point | NC |
Jasmine Thavone | High Point | NC |
LeShawn Thomas | Burlington | NC |
Rasha Thomas | High Point | NC |
Tamara Thomas | Greensboro | NC |
Dominique Thompson | Greensboro | NC |
Matthew Thornton | Winston Salem | NC |
Isabella Thungren | Jamestown | NC |
Kori Tice | Liberty | NC |
Hannah Tiddick | Greensboro | NC |
Nathan Tigue | Greensboro | NC |
Ashley Tilley | King | NC |
Mary Tilley | Eden | NC |
Gilbert Tillman | Browns Summit | NC |
Paris Timmons | McLeansville | NC |
Shanita Timmons | Greensboro | NC |
Lisa Tinko | Winston Salem | NC |
Raegan Tobin | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Carley Todd | Climax | NC |
Anilem Toj | Greensboro | NC |
Oma Tonukari | High Point | NC |
Jaleel Torain | High Point | NC |
Arianna Torres | Greensboro | NC |
Luis Torres | High Point | NC |
Cesar Torres-Rodriguez | Greensboro | NC |
Helen Townsend | High Point | NC |
Keegan Trahan | Oak Ridge | NC |
Jake Trammell | Gibsonville | NC |
Cuong Tran | High Point | NC |
Duy Tran | Greensboro | NC |
Katherine Tran | Archdale | NC |
Lam Tran | Greensboro | NC |
Trung Tran | High Point | NC |
Justin Trang | Greensboro | NC |
Karen Travis | Jamestown | NC |
Nathan Trent | Kernersville | NC |
Susannah Trexler | Richfield | NC |
McKenzie Triplette | Walkertown | NC |
Jeremiah Tucker | Jamestown | NC |
Natalie Tucker | Greensboro | NC |
Grayson Tyrey | Stokesdale | NC |
Sheldon Ulmer | Greensboro | NC |
Taylan Uludag | Greensboro | NC |
Brianna Underhill | Cary | NC |
Madison Underwood | Thomasville | NC |
Samantha Underwood | Jamestown | NC |
Shelby Upchurch | Greensboro | NC |
Yahaira Vaca-Contreras | Whitsett | NC |
Kavya Vadla | Greensboro | NC |
Lautaro Valdez | Mount Airy | NC |
Flor Valenzuela | Winston Salem | NC |
Johanna Van Kretschmar | Greensboro | NC |
Hunter Vandiver | Kernersville | NC |
Ryan VanDyke | Jamestown | NC |
Katherine Varetskiy | Oak Ridge | NC |
Jorge Vasquez Suarez | Greensboro | NC |
Jessica Vazquez | Greensboro | NC |
Fernando Vazquez Garcia | Greensboro | NC |
Catherine Venable | Greensboro | NC |
Kenneth Venable | High Point | NC |
Mayra Ventura Pineda | Greensboro | NC |
Cole Vermilyea | Kernersville | NC |
Allen Viars | High Point | NC |
Michael Vidas | Durham | NC |
Vianca Villa-Robles | Thomasville | NC |
Noelia Vivar | Burlington | NC |
Gustin Voncannnon | Greensboro | NC |
Kathy Vue | Greensboro | NC |
Anjali Vyas | Greensboro | NC |
Lauryn Walden | High Point | NC |
Eboni Walker | Greensboro | NC |
Carmen Wallace | Summerfield | NC |
Edith Walson | Greensboro | NC |
Kristi Walters | Greensboro | NC |
Sharion Wanton | High Point | NC |
Amber Ward | Greensboro | NC |
Anane Ward | Greensboro | NC |
Asabi Ward | Greensboro | NC |
Sean Wareham | Greensboro | NC |
Sanai Washington | Winston-Salem | NC |
Alexander Watkins | Greensboro | NC |
Shaun Watkins | Advance | NC |
Ariya Watson | McLeansville | NC |
Morgan Weatherly | Greensboro | NC |
Raymond Weaver | Greensboro | NC |
Garrison Weavil | Greensboro | NC |
Matthew Weir | High Point | NC |
Jeremiah Welborn | Hamptonville | NC |
Abby Welch | Greensboro | NC |
Devin Welch | Archdale | NC |
Ashley Westbrook | Jamestown | NC |
Candice Weston | Greensboro | NC |
Kristeen Wheeler | Jamestown | NC |
Jefferson Whetstine | Greensboro | NC |
Nathan Whicker | Greensboro | NC |
Ashley White | Gibsonville | NC |
Emma White | Oak Ridge | NC |
Mekala White | Whitesett | NC |
Michelle White | Greensboro | NC |
Payton White | Archdale | NC |
Seth White | Greensboro | NC |
Shaunta Whitehead | Greensboro | NC |
Kourtny Whitley | High Point | NC |
Jarod Whitlow | High Point | NC |
Alison Wieczorkowski | Greensboro | NC |
Maria Wilds | Winston Salem | NC |
Chase Wilhelm | Greensboro | NC |
Miranda-Jo Wilkes | Snow Camp | NC |
Sophia Wilkins | Greensboro | NC |
Adallia Williams | Durham | NC |
Angela Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Ariel Williams | Charlotte | NC |
Camden Williams | McLeansville | NC |
Greta Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Jensine Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Keith Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Keonte' Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Shanika Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Shantel Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Simone Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Valerie Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Zander Williams | Lexington | NC |
Ali Williamson | High Point | NC |
Rebecca Williamson | Lexington | NC |
Zaria Williamson | Greensboro | NC |
Bethany Wilson | Greensboro | NC |
Chase Wilson | Randleman | NC |
Clara Wilson | Greensboro | NC |
Sumner Wilson | Kernersville | NC |
Patrice Wingfield | Winston Salem | NC |
Eric Wirtz | Oak Ridge | NC |
Kendal Wise | Brown Summit | NC |
Dylan Wishon | Greensboro | NC |
Edinam Woka | High Point | NC |
Kaia Woloshin-Verni | Canton | CT |
Elias Womble Stedman | Greensboro | NC |
Patrick Wonders | Greensboro | NC |
Alex Wong | Oak Ridge | NC |
Brittany Wood | Greensboro | NC |
Steven Wood | Greensboro | NC |
Rebecca Woodward | High Point | NC |
James Worland | Kernersville | NC |
Patricia Wray | Greensboro | NC |
Kyleigh Wright | Greensboro | NC |
Samyrra Wright | High Point | NC |
Zachary Wright | Kernersville | NC |
Lauryn Wynn | Greensboro | NC |
Aghader Yassen | Greensboro | NC |
Micheal Yates | Clemmons | NC |
Aldo Yepez Medina | Greensboro | NC |
Michael Yoder | Archdale | NC |
Caitlyn Yokley | Winston Salem | NC |
Mayling Yong | Colfax | NC |
Dustin York | Jamestown | NC |
Joseph York | Greensboro | NC |
Allison Young | Greensboro | NC |
Danielle Young | Greensboro | NC |
Alexa Zachary | Greensboro | NC |
Jordan Zeigler | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Mo Zhu | High Point | NC |
Aung Zin | Greensobo | NC |
Emily Zody | Greensboro | NC |