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Name and Title Contact Photo _C
Elizabeth CarmichaelCarmichael, Elizabeth
Worker, Grounds Crew Grounds MaintenanceEmail: emcarmichael@gtcc.edu Phone: 336-334-4822 Room: Auto Body Repair Building -
Name and Title Contact Photo _D
Matt DavisDavis, Matt
Supervisor, Grounds Maintenance Grounds MaintenanceEmail: mldavis4@gtcc.edu Phone: 336-334-4822 Ext: 50374 Room: Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) -
Name and Title Contact Photo _E
Anthony EdwardsEdwards, Anthony
Worker, Grounds Crew Grounds MaintenanceEmail: aedwards@gtcc.edu Phone: 336-334-4822 Ext: 50544 Room: Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) -
Name and Title Contact Photo _M
Ethan MartinMartin, Ethan
Worker, Ground Crew Grounds MaintenanceEmail: ejmartin@gtcc.edu Phone: 336-334-4822 Ext: 50217 Room: Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) 113 -
Name and Title Contact Photo _S
Zachary SteppsStepps, Zachary
Worker, Grounds Crew Grounds MaintenanceEmail: zdstepps@gtcc.edu Phone: 336-334-4822 Room: Auto Body Repair Building -
Name and Title Contact Photo _T
Daniel TallerdyTallerdy, Daniel
Worker, Senior, Grounds Crew, Interim Grounds MaintenanceEmail: detallerdy@gtcc.edu Phone: 336-334-4822 Ext: 50374 Room: Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building) -
Name and Title Contact Photo _W
Evan WillisWillis, Evan
Worker, Senior, Grounds Crew Grounds MaintenanceEmail: ekwillis@gtcc.edu Phone: 336-334-4822 Room: Transportation Complex (Auto/Diesel Building)