Battery Assembly Technician

New Career Opportunity in Manufacturing

Partnered with the training provider Carolina Battery Institute (CBI) and the clean energy employer Soelect, this course provides an in-depth understanding of overall Lithium-ion battery principles, battery manufacturing processes, and testing (skill or method). The course will prepare students for entry-level work as an Electric Battery Assembly Technician in the growing EV battery manufacturing field.

Average rate of pay is $19.23-$26.44 per hour.

What students will learn

Students will learn about:

  • Battery materials (chemistry, electrode preparation, and electrode characterization)
  • Step-by-step coin-cell assembly
  • Testing protocols for cell performance
  • Overview of recycling and waste disposal process
Course Name Dates Days Hours Location Room Cost Register
EVT-4200-104 Battery Assembly Technician 3/15/25-4/12/25 Sa 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Carolina Battery Institute
4355 Federal Drive, Greensboro
Suite 130 $133 Register Now

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost is:

  • Course registration: $133

Total cost: $133

Payment for class is due at the time of registration.

You may be eligible for scholarship money. Click on the link below to learn if you might meet the applicant requirements. Scholarships have time-sensitive application deadlines.


Additionally, the NCWorks Career Center may be able to assist through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program. For more information, call NCWorks Greensboro at 336-297-9444 or NCWorks High Point at 336-882-4141.

You may register online: Register

Students who successfully complete the class will receive an Award of Completion.  

Requirements for successful completion:

  • Attendance: Must be in class 90% of class hours
  • Coursework: Must achieve 80% on coursework

Students MUST attend the first day of class. 

If you enter after the first day of class, you will not receive credit for taking the class.  Additionally, time absent will be counted against you. 

The college will make a 100% refund of registration fees if you officially withdraw from class before the first meeting. Also if the class is canceled or full, GTCC will make a full refund. The college will refund 75% of the registration fee (of tuition only) if you officially withdraw from the class on the first day of class or before the class reaches the census date. The census date varies from class to class. Non-attendance is not a basis for a refund.